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�: VZl�.a�►C COLQ1C11 <br />FROM: George A. A�embrez, Secretary Pl�n*�ing �ommission <br />SU�3.JECTc Roberts Constructiore kezoninR request from lt-1 to {Z-3 <br />af property loca�ted betwe�r� Galtier, hlarion, t)ionne and <br />Larpent�ur Avenues. <br />Th� applicant subr�itted his plans to construct � buildis�gs con�Lai�ing <br />each 29 units, all one Uedrooms. The �'lanning Commission unanimously <br />agreed it was the best �tse of tl�e pxoperty� Roberts Constructian <br />agreed to dedicate the �ast 3Q feet of Galtiex xa an3ke i� a full width <br />�tree t and also dedi�ate the �est 30 feet of Marian Street in a <br />northerly direction to the end of liis property. 'There were a few <br />residents s�ekin� information on a�ccess, rig}it-of-ways, etc. <br />1lctually tliey were �ot opposecl to the change of zoning, excePt one <br />party. It was reportecl by I�tidwest Planning that �a� error was macie <br />by the village o£fice in the notice and publi�ation of t11� le�al <br />description. After due consideration, tlae k'lannina Conunission <br />recon�unends by a unaniuiau� vote that tlie zonin�; be allo�aed and that <br />notice be given to the Villa�e Council of tl�e error in. tl�e legal <br />clescription so that the Council can make a determination on this <br />maiter; td1e question being: Should the Commission have anothe.r public <br />hearin g with correct legal descripiiQn? <br />cc-Itob�rts Constructi.on Com�any <br />� Jam�� P. Nelson <br />h�larch ; � 1965 <br />