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� , <br />�..,,.w <br />I��13�10 <br />� <br />T0: Va.11a�,e�;er <br />FI�ON;: F�ablic Woi•ks Direct _�r <br />RC: Robeits Apartments on Marion Street <br />� <br />.� <br />I hav� check�d into �he situation brou�ht out in 1�Ir. P�e'� vin J. Wrasper's <br />lettcr �c� Nk�yor Mo� �, dated Oct�be :• 21, 19?0. <br />The Rob�a�t's apartr:lcnt project �pecial Use pez�it, �1pr.i1 12, 1�u5, rile <br />�do. 252, was to include lanascapic7�, a� per tne �pproval �il�.fi, w�iicl� in- <br />cludcd plantin�;s along the west property line. Ti,is propex�ty line is a- <br />lon� the west edge of the parkinf; lo� that is acljacent to :�treet. <br />2'he in�;r��� a.zd e�reas to the�tm��ilts woulci be SOLlt�l alon� Marioci <br />Stree� to Larpen.teur. Avenue. Tt i:� iny unaerstandin� t.�at because of' the <br />extreme �r�ules Qn Marion Strect, cars could i�ot ne�;otiai;e t:�is strect; <br />dur:in�, the icy, winter days. Ther�fore, Mr. Roberts requeti'��d that they <br />be ablc �;o izse Ga �tier S�r�et durin� the wirit�r months �,s an access point. <br />'�'h�.� was �.P��roved with the ucider�tandin� that Galtier �treet be used o�71.�T <br />c�urin�; �L.�e wint,e � montha and tha� post� and chains be erected and main- <br />rained. the balatic� of' the ycax•. <br />Thc problem has been that Uomeone has been rempving ttae posts and chains <br />so i;hat the ��,rs c�,n use C�ltier S�;r�et all year arounci. �de h�ave con- <br />tacted N�z�. I�oberts oi�. ae�,reral occasions and the posts are replaced. But, <br />jus� as quickly, they are r�moved again. <br />Thc only pel�nanent solu�;ior� mi�ht bc to h�ve Ms. Rober�Ls con.sti•uct a chain <br />lurzk fenc� wi�h gate that could bc left open durin�; i;he w� r_ter only; or, <br />to cocz��;ruct a hi�hway type barrier with �imber posts ar�d guar�d rail atid <br />have a sec�;i�ra oi' the �uard rail re�noved durin�; the �rintel�. <br />o�:t. 29� 1970 <br />cc: Lrnie KLuegel <br />� <br />� <br />