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� <br />� <br />� <br />Pl�nning Commi�eion <br />Village of Rceev�llea Minn. <br />�ubjeat: Re�on�ng from �w1 to I�1 of property �o- <br />cat�d at 2390 Fi�lham Stre�t. <br />Yde�t � of the Narth 15 rod� o�' tha Sou�heaet <br />Quarter �3E �/4) of ��cti�n 8, Township 29, <br />R�nge 23, �o�ording ta the Unit�d Statea <br />C3overnment Survey thereof� eubject to all <br />public easements of reaord. <br />That pmrt of the Weat one-qua�ter of the North- <br />hali of the Southeast qu�rter of Sac�iion <br />Eight Townsh3p t�renty-nine, R�ng� Twenty-three <br />lying :�outh of the North fifteen rods and <br />North of the South fifty roda. <br />ThQ following is a petition from adja�ent property <br />hold�ra and inter�sted p�,�tiea in the fleighborhood re- <br />qu�etin� that the abov�e groperty remain zoned R-1 <br />r�sidential, and eetting forth reasons for thi� requeat. <br />1.. A� the time of purch�se of property and building <br />af ham�s, our abatracta of Titles carried �mong <br />othere thc reatrletion t�at any building buil� <br />tY�ere�n �hall be deaignsd Por the use of a singl.�- <br />family as a dwelling. This was a mutual bond witY� <br />the Village and lat�r became known a� Rural-l�e$iden- <br />ti�? Zoning. With theae restr�etiona and guarante�s <br />by t�e tlillage of Ro�eville our family dwellin�s <br />were erected and these reatrictiona in all sen�ae of <br />fair play aho�uld still be en�orced. <br />2. In the pa8t, there have been industrial en- <br />croachments on the abo�e property from the North <br />when tank farms were 'bt,zilt and l�ter when truaki�g <br />t�rminale were est�ialiah�d. Our properties have <br />� eciate3 ae a resuit o s re�zon ng <br />,ac .� barr er o e e�onomic deterioration. <br />of our progerty must be eet�bli$hed. The Village <br />hae an ideal b�rrier in Terminal Road. Let's <br />maintain Ter�inal Road a� the dividin.g line between <br />R�sidentia�. and Industrial property. <br />