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�� <br />Ca�e No. 62-52 <br />Petitioner: <br />Locat i oR.: <br />Action Requested: <br />� <br />Rdy Kroy�s <br />West of Western l�venue and North af Iona Lane <br />{see steetch) <br />Approval o£ pgel�minary plat <br />PLANNING COPISID�RA�IDAIS <br />1. Mr. Rroyss has p�reviousiy submi�ted a p�celiminary pl�t �ah:Cch <br />included the property in qu�stion and th�rSchreier prope��y to <br />th� north. Mr. Kroyss infor�ns u� thafi it k�as been decided to <br />develoP the�e properties sepnrat�ly, and �hus, be is r�questing <br />approval of the proper�y in queation on�y at thig �ime. The <br />pre�vious plat submitted was very similar eo �he nnQ now ir <br />question, di�fering only with xespe�t to the aligrument of Terrac� <br />Drive, which turn�d somewha� south�esterly at a poin� ne�r its <br />entrance Co Mack�tbin Stree�. <br />2. The pLanning o� the property in question relates d�rectly to <br />�hat o£ �he ultimate development of the prop�r�y �o the nor�h <br />(S�heirer prop�rty) and the prop�erty eo the west (Kline propert}rj. <br />Accordingly, �he meeting was hel.d las� Thursday at the Vill�ge <br />Hall of the three p�oparty awners i�volved. Yt appea�3 tha� a <br />xe�tsonable solution for the iuture conside�ation af the Plsnning <br />Co�anission �nd the Council would t�e thnt of the extension mf <br />�errace Drive wes�erly into the Klii�e properry and th� extension <br />of Mackubin Street northerly fnto the Schi�rer proper�y. '"his <br />would provide �ccess to the Paric property for: all the� <br />ment in the area and establish a reasonahl� str�e� pat��rrn rela- <br />tionship to not onYy the K�o�ss plat, but thL otih�xs as well <br />for the �utur�. Mr. Shei�er no�ed at the mee�ing that �he develop- <br />ment of �he proposed hal� a��eet for Terr�ce D�iv�e and �he iCgoyss <br />pla� wocald work well wi�h the dr�velopmen� of his prope�ty. <br />It appeared fram the �aeeting that bo�h the Schei�er property <br />and the KLirte property would be d�v�laped in the neag future. <br />3. A�eport from �h� Village Eregin�er indicates th�t �h� propa5ed <br />str�e� pattern can be �ccommod�ted from sa� engineering and <br />utiliey standpoint. <br />4. A typical lot size fn th� propos�d subdivision are �5 £t, by 130 �t. <br />which equais 11,OS0 sq. t�, wi�ich meets �hE minimum loe st�ndard <br />requir�ments. A1� lo�s in the d�v�lopmemC do m�et tlie minir�um <br />requireme�nt�. Ther� is anly the question of s full dedication <br />of Terrace u.�ive development of the street p�rior ta issuance v£ <br />building per�n��s for �hose lots ir�onting on �he p�oposed Te�rsce <br />Drive. <br />