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builders c�uld have gone out wt�ere the�y did if water ar►d sewa�e €�yst�ms <br />hac� bc�n required. One builder (J�n�iric� did construGt his o�►;n sewa�e <br />trcatrnent p�ant and water system, Thor:�p�on and Donnay, twa o�h�r <br />large buiiders � congtru�.ted wat�r sysi�ms. It is al�o r�a�onable to cnn- <br />clude that �ome of th� sma�ll scatt�ered subd�visions in the frYnge axeas <br />rnay eifh�r not have been d�veloped ther� o.r may have be.�n developed in <br />a more cantiguous manncr to each ottier if bui�ders hac3 been required to <br />h�we the i r subdivis ions � e rved by wate r and s ewage s y�tem� . <br />De�nite the well <br />st <br />ll�tion problem that has develoPed in this Ar�a,, ther� <br />_ �— . ��-�--- <br />hav�: <br />�r� not stron re uirements foTM t <br />ese a ster�s. <br />an <br />a opte a po icy w�c requ�r�s wat�r system� or subdivisions of <br />approximately 35 or more homes. However, most lending ins�itutio�ne <br />have n�t adopted a similar policy. <br />It �ewers w�re a strong positi�re determinant ia� xeBidential locationb <br />then subc�ivi�ione would be la��ted in an existing service distri�ct or <br />would be serviced with sewers and, conn�ecteci to an exist�ing system at <br />the time of development. A gtudy of �ne county--Anoka--showed ihat <br />m�ny subdivisions buil� during the 1950's �Nere located bey�nd the <br />immedi�te Iviirineapolis-Saint F'aul Sanitary Distriet service ring but <br />near the inne� s�ide of the eactension sugg��ied for 1960-1980. Of th� <br />lots platteci b�twe�n 1950 and 19b1, 69 p�r cent were locared beyond the <br />area to be �erviced by 1960 as outlined in an engin�e�ring report pub- <br />lished in 1961 by the �ViSSB, (This report dr�w s�x�vice rings on �he <br />basis of physical t�rrain characteristiics, �apaeity of nearby txun�C <br />sew�rs, housing density, and derriand. ) A large part of the ciemand, <br />the�e, in the inn�r sErvice xing c�vering Anoka C �unty (to be 9erv�ced by <br />1960� was generat�d by the new suk�divisions b�ilt during the 19�0's <br />{ 31 pe r c ent of the platted lots ). <br />Sin�e other factars connected wit�h proximity to the built-up area, for <br />example closeness to work, shoppin�, established social ties, and. <br />direction oi pa�t development, are �.mportani residential detexmir�ants , <br />this clustering within possi�le sewer district� demonstrai�s �hat sewers <br />vver� only a weak determin�ant during the 1950-1961 period. <br />Residential I�ensity and Housing Type <br />i� is extr�mely difficult to unsnarl ana specifically identify the factors , <br />and �h�ir relative weight, that have caused the predominant housing type <br />whi�ch we have in this A rea. Single detached hous es accaunt for 66. 8 <br />per cent of the total housir�g stock in tl�e Metropolitan Area. As is th� <br />case for rrsost of the cs�untry, the single detached house has enjoyed <br />almost corriplete dominance since xhe end of the vc�ar. Since 1950 83. ? <br />per cent of tMe new housing canstructic�n4 in the Twin Cities Ivietrapolitan <br />Area has heen single famil}r detached. <br />14�,S. Census of Housing: 1960 Op. Cit. , 1• i4 <br />: <br />