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� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�,X I1tACT OF '•1I:�'UIZS OF "��;I:ii tiG C7i' T1 il: 1�'I LL,1CJ: GC�CI L <br />� PoJSL�II.LE, '+tlti`;LS01':'� • lf1:L1) J:u�u� r}' 17 � 1972 <br />� � � * � � � � � � � � � * � � � � * � � � � � � � <br />Yursuault to ciue call and raoticc thereoi, a regular meeti�g <br />Qf the Villa�e Cc�incil of }loseville, �tiiincsota, ►+�as duly callecl and <br />held at t.�ie�c Ei�,ll iri saicl Villagc on Jarsuary 17, 1972. <br />Th�e follawing members wc�-e present: Acting �fayor Elnders �n� <br />Councilmen Curlcy, Grauel ancl Brennan <br />and Che fallowing mem�er was absent: <br />Mayor Linebarger <br />TSember Grauel introciuced the following resolution and <br />moved its adoption: <br />f�,�SOLUTION Irb� 5793 <br />0 <br />�{��s pursu�.�t to blinnesota Statute 412��51� a t�ublic <br />hearin� was held on the S t}� day o£ Ja�iva� ���ine wl etlier a�certain <br />Cvuncil of thA Village of Rosev�.ile, to <br />street was to be vacated. The hearin� �ra� orciered hy the Council's <br />obvn motion. <br />�y��}�S, it was determined that no pub�ic use could be made . <br />of said street and the public interest wi11 be served by vacatinb said �' <br />st�^eet; <br />�'-+e '�{EItEFU}tE, IiE IT R�,SO�.VED by the Village Council for <br />the Village �f Ra�eville, rSinnesota, as follows: <br />It is order.�ed t�iat the following section of Fairview Ar�enue <br />be vacateci: � <br />•�. That part of Rosedale Center First and Second Additions, dedicated fc�r <br />road purposes, to the plats thereof on file and of record in <br />the ofFice of the Re�ister of Dceds anci the Regrstrar arallelewith anci <br />�� for Rams�y County; w}�icli lies easterly of a lins run p <br />distant 33 feet ��esterly of the north anci south quarter line of Section <br />9, T 29 N, R 23 �ti ancl iresterly of �he followin�; described line: r3egin- <br />ning at the point of intersectio�i oi �a line x�un parallel with and, distant <br />33 feet �Vest of t��e North anci Sout�l �50t�rfe teSouthaof tliet1East�az�d� <br />a line run parallel with and d�stant . <br />l�Vest Quarter line of saicl 5ec�ion 9; thena� run Easterly on said 250.8 <br />foot parallel linc to its intersection wit}� a line run p�rallel with <br />and distant �� feet �yesterly of Line t1 desc�,ribed belaw; *hence Yun <br />Southeasterly on said 9�� foot parallel line :.a a point thereon distant <br />25 feet Northwesterly of its intersection with Q line nu�. p�rallel with <br />s <br />