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<br />- <br /> <br />PLANNING REPORT <br />()A IE: <br />CASe NUME3~R: <br />APPUCANT: <br /> <br />7 September 1900 <br /> <br />18SS <br /> <br />Lexington Avenu.: <br />Partnership <br /> <br />l.imited <br /> <br />LOCA nON: <br /> <br />Ncrthwost Q...adrant of <br />LexiOl'tcn Avenue and <br />Woodhlll Drive (see sketch) <br /> <br />AI.:TION RfQUEc:rCD: <br /> <br />Amendmcnt to Comprehensive <br />Plan, Rezoning from R.2 and <br />ShoPpIng Center District to <br />~.l and R.)A Gnd 8.4, <br />Approval of Planned <br />De\lolopment, and Preliminary <br />Plat <br /> <br />PLAN.'\IING CQNSIDERA nONS: <br /> <br />1. As you are all aware, a pre\llous proposal fOf dcvelopment of this <br />property by the appllcnntlS was considered by the Planning Commission <br />and Council. That proposal nvol\lcd 321 dwelling uni~s of which 225 <br />units were in three 75 umt apar~ment structures, with the remainder in <br />the B uOlt, two-story manor hous'1$. That proposal was turned down by <br />the C!ty_ Neighbors expressed their concern rogardlng the transition to <br />slngle-famll,. <'e\lcloprnent on the north edge of the site, the extension <br />of County Road C-2 In~o the neig';;,orhood to the west, the overall <br />denSIty of the $itc, tht: handling of addltlo 31 traffic 1m Le:dngton <br />AVC;1'Je, and the irnpsct on the r~sldencc$ to the cast. <br /> <br />2. With these concerns III mmd, the 3ppHcants have substantially revised <br />the:r proposal by dropping one of the 75 unit structures. Thoy now <br />propose only two bulldiflg' With a total cf 150 'JOlts rather than the <br />prevIously propoMd 225 umts. They have also addo)d a 'trip of <br />SIngle-family hOU*lOg contlguous to the County Road C-2 :lhgnment and <br />p'opose a cul-de.snc for Countv Road C-Z. ThIS reduces the Impact of <br />any multl-tamlly develolJment housing on the neighborhood to the north <br />and west and reserves the north end of this site arId the land to tho <br />north 01 Cc..rlty R.oad C for Single- ~amaly hOUSing. <br /> <br />3. The sl,oPplO9 center IS :~talOed at Its reduced 20,000 square foot scale, <br />cnd the mmn entrance to the site IS contiguous to the north end of the <br />center. access pOlOt prov.des a means of 9Jin9 from the <br />~"'I/elopment directly to the center WIthout traffiC yO 109 CJut anto the <br />public st'eet. We feci that thiS IS ::I slgmflcant advantage O\lef some <br />of the prevIous access plans. Though reVIsed plnns were conJldered that <br />eliminated the plIbhc pnrk, the park propvsal is retaliled an the C'urrent <br />development plan. It would appear that the retention of the park Is -~ <br />Important for the welfare of the neighborhood and the future reSidences <br />10 thiS area. <br />