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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 22,2024 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Councilmember Strahan wanted to make sure the City did not remove from the <br /> Commission the power to be a mediator through advocacy. She noted that when <br /> she goes the State Department of Human Rights website, it indicates specifically <br /> that "Local Human Rights Commissions are essential to building a thriving joyful <br /> Minnesota typically established by charter or ordinance, local commissions <br /> operated in a city,county,or regional level to protect civil rights and promote equity <br /> and inclusion. Local commissions engage in a wide range of activities, from <br /> mediation to education and outreach." She did not want to mute the Commission's <br /> ability to be an advocate for others within the city because if the Commission is not <br /> able to be that, then she did not see the Commission having `human rights' as part <br /> of their name because it is a part of the essence and the meaning of what a Human <br /> Right Commission is and does. She did not want to remove advocacy from their <br /> ability or goals and actions. She thought the City needed to find a way for people <br /> to come in and to make it easy for them to be able to engage, get involved, and stay <br /> on the Commission. <br /> Mayor Roe explained he wanted to be careful, noting that certainly the language at <br /> the State website is encompassing of all Human Rights Commissions across the <br /> State and different cities do have different roles for their Commissions.Just because <br /> it is mentioned in the State's general statement,does not necessarily mean it applies <br /> to every city. He thought the State was trying to encompass the range of things that <br /> different Human Rights Commissions across the State do. That would be his only <br /> caution there; that the City does not necessarily give themselves a role that is only <br /> there in another city because it has a specific charter provision that says it does that. <br /> He thought there was a concern on the part of the Council that representatives of <br /> the City, as an organization, take on a role of advocating for individuals in <br /> individual cases. He did not know if that would be considered appropriate by the <br /> community. He also did not think that was entirely fair to the members of the <br /> Commission either, to put folks in that role because that may not be something a <br /> particular individual or individuals are knowledgeable about, want to do, or feel <br /> comfortable doing.That would be his only caution.The Commission needs to think <br /> about it in a way that provides for the best preservation and advancement of human <br /> rights in the community, maybe not necessarily involving specific advocation for <br /> specific cases or specific individuals because sometimes there are factors that can <br /> be involved which everyone may not be privy to. <br /> Commissioner Tidball thought if it would be appropriate, just as a process of <br /> working on this, since he understood Councilmembers Etten and Schroeder are <br /> taking the lead on the scope together. He stated it is unfortunate that the part of his <br /> brain that likes to work with words and writing does not work well with the part of <br /> his brain that needs to listen to what people are saying. So,he jotted down a couple <br /> of ideas or possible different wordings. But, to sit at the meeting and actually do <br /> that, is not appropriate. If appropriate for the Commission to have some back and <br /> forth via email and suggested language to work around and take it back to the next <br />
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