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<br />VILIAGE OF ROSEVIIJE <br />Regular meeting of the Village Council Wednesday March 21, 1956 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members present: <br />Salverda, Carlson, Kitts, McGee and Hammersten. Rob't Gearin, Attorney, also <br />present. <br /> <br />Salverda Moved, Carlson seconded ¡he minutes of the March 13th meeting be <br />approved with correction. Boll Call Ayes (5)·Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Mr. A. L. Gaughn, 10 Mid Oaks Lane, asked to have the minutes read. from the <br />last meeting where action was taken to allow Mr. Steiner to move his home to <br />Snelling and Roselawn. Mr. Gaughn stated he thought property owners in that <br />a:bea should have been notified. Mayor Kitts stated that the Cpuncil acted <br />within their legal rights when they gave their permission. No one was <br />present at the meeting of March 13th who were objecting to the move. <br /> <br />Win. Rite from the Rite Insurance Agency presented the recommendations of <br />four insurance men who had gotten together in regard to the handling of <br />insurance for the Village. Mr. McGee stated he still felt an insurance <br />counsellor should be contacted to be sure the village got the best d.eal <br />possible. Mr. Hite was asked to write another 30 day binder on the polic,. <br />that expired Feb. 24. This he will do. <br /> <br />Ed. Bossard, contractor, stated the1'e is a septic tank and cesspool set-up <br />at a house he bull t at 1855 N. 6hatsworth that is too close to the house and <br />well but that it had to be installed there because there was no other way <br />to do it. They wanted to put the sewer line in the front of the house because <br />of the proposed surl.tary swwer coming in this area soon. He asked the <br />council to deviate from the code on this one house. <br />CARIßON MOVED, IW1MERSTEN SECONDED to allow the deviation from the code on <br />this one job inasmuch as sanitary sewers will be serving this area. Roll <br />Call Ayes (3)-Nayes (2)- Kitts, McGee opposed. <br /> <br />Lawrence Nelson, attorney representing Warren Schultz and Hamline Twin City <br />Realty, asked the Council to allow the 75 foot set-back requested by Mr. <br />Schultz on his property on the west side of Raymenci Ave. north of Co. Rd. C2. <br /> <br />Feed Memmer, representing residents on bhe east side of Raymond Ave. stated <br />his clients felt they should mow what was to go in on this intiustria1l <br />property and a 75 foot set-back was too close to Raymond Ave. <br />HAMMERBTEN MOVED, CA.RI50N SECONDED the matter be tabled till the meeting of <br />April 3 to give the attorney time to check certain legal points. Roll Call <br />Ayes (5)-N~es (0). <br /> <br />The committee of Kitts and Hammersten who were seledted to interview men for <br />the position of Liquor Store Manager recoDUllended Harry Turgeon 1£ U92 Garden <br />be tired. <br />SALVERDA MOVED, HAMMERSTEN SECONDED to hire Mr. Harry Turgeon as manager of <br />the new Municipal Liquor store effective April 1, 1956. He will be paid <br />$600 a month for the 1st month and $100 a month thereafter. Roll Call <br />Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Mr. Nitzel. of Haves ~ood Mukets stated they were intersted in property on <br />the west of IeXJ.ngton north of Dionne. As there is a water drainage <br />problem 1¡here, Mr. Nitzel stated he will contact Mr. Carley, Engineer, to see <br />if something can be worked out. <br /> <br />Steiner <br />home <br /> <br />Ins. <br /> <br />Bossard <br />house on <br />Chósworth <br /> <br />Schultz <br />property <br /> <br />Liquor sto~ <br />manager I <br />