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<br />-3- <br /> <br />A letter of resignation was read and acdepted from Vernon Schmidt, Road <br />Foreman. <br /> <br />A letter of resignation was read from Daune Cronquist, Office Clerk. <br />HAMMERSTEN MOVED, CARlSON SECONDED to accept the resignation of Danne <br />Cronquist and hire Pat Ostenson at the same rate. Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />MCGEE MOVED, CARLSON SECONDED the clerk be authorized to advertise for <br />bids for a cooler for the Snelling Hub Liquor Store. Bids to be opened <br />April 3 at 2 p.m. RollCall Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />cooler <br /> <br />The matter of a Landscaper for the Municipal Liquor Store was discussed. <br />The architect will be asked to talk to nurserymen in the village and submit <br />a report to the Council. <br /> <br />Ed Willmus told the Council he was conli1dering establishing a place for dis- <br />posal of Rubbish and Garbage by incinerator if he can get a long term faanchise <br />with the surrounding villages. The Council tentatively agreed to consider <br />his prop.sal, <br /> <br />HAMMERSTEN MOVED, CARLSON SECONDED the adoption of the following resolution <br />in regard to the Miesler lots on HamiiBe and Rosela1m. Roll Call Ayes (5)-NayesO <br />WHEREAS, Margaret Miesler, present owner of Lot Four, Diedrich's <br />Homesites, RamsfY County, Minnesota, has petitioned the Council for per- <br />mission to divide said Lot Four into two separate parcels for sale for the <br />purpose of constructing dwellings thereon; and <br />WHEREAS, it appears that the division of said Lot Four into two par- <br />cels with frontage on Roselawn Ave. of sixty-five feet and ninety-fiYe feet <br />r~spectively, and the construction of dwellings thereon would be in violation <br />of Section 5-20, Ordinance No.l90 of Village of Roseville; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, it appears to the Council that the propesed division of said <br />Lot Four would not affect the health, safety or general welfare of the <br />Village; <br />NGl, THEREr'ORE, BE IT RlSOLVED: <br />(1) That Margùet Miesler, her heirs or assigns are granted per- <br />mission to construct dwellings upon the following two pareels of real <br />estate situated in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, described <br />as follows, to-wit: <br />(a) The Westerly sixty-fi'l'e feet of Lot Four, Diedrich IS Homesites; <br />(b) All of Lot Four, Diedrich's Homesites, except the Westerly <br />sixty-five feet thereof. <br />12) That the Roseville Building Inspector is authorized and directed <br />to issue building permits for the construction ., dwellings upon the above <br />two parcels provided, however, that building pennit applications hereafter <br />submitted shall comply with all the provisions of Ordinance No. 190, Village <br />of Roseville, except the first sentence of Section 5-20, of said Ord. 190. <br /> <br />HD1MERSTEN MOVED, CARLSON SECONDED Ordinance II 214 be adopted. Re: Special <br />permits required for buildings i.D Industrial District. Roll Call Ayes (5)- <br />Nayes (0). <br /> <br />McGee stated that April 28th there will be two members of the Planning <br />Commission whose terms will be up. Those offices are now filled by <br />Geo. Membrez and Howard Anderson. He recOIlJl1lended two new members be <br />appointed for the four year terms. These men are Evert H. Jernberg and Curtis <br />Hill. MCGEE MOVED, SALVERDA SECONDED that Evert Jernberg and Curtis Hill be <br />appointed to 4 year terms on the Planning Commission effective April 28. Roll <br />Call Ayes._C3)~J!l~J2)-Ca.r....:ìí.Ì~;_" lM~ersten opposed <br />