.II����� � -�-
<br />Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the
<br />Southeast 1,�4, except South Z13 feet thereof, and except the North
<br />6fi feet thereof and except the East 168 feet thereof;
<br />also North 66 feer of the West 100 feet of said Northeast 1/4 of
<br />the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4;
<br />also Northwest I/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of th�
<br />Southea�t 1/4, except South 75 feet thereof, all in Sec. 10,
<br />Township 29, Range 23. /
<br />2--`z d �' /U . �-�-ua.l,=-����
<br />Apparent record owner: Chand.ler-Wilbext Vault Company,
<br />(Minn. Corporation).
<br />� � �
<br />that from an examination of the records in the Real Estate nivision in
<br />the office of the Register. of Deeds and/ or Registrar of Titl�s, in and �,;
<br />fer the County of Ramsey and State of Minne�ota, it appears that the
<br />apparent owner o� owners of the property within a radius of 250 feeit
<br />of the above propPrty which is to be rezoned are as f ollows:
<br />1• The N. 75 feet of the S. 263 feet of the E. 168 feet of the N.2 0� the `
<br />NW� o� the 5W� of the SE� of Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23, subjec: to l��llwoad, ;:
<br />Str�et. Address: 2271 Dellwood Avs. N., St. Paul, Minn. 55113a
<br />2 7-_7 / °�l �e���-,�-a-�,
<br />Apparent record owners: William I'. Turco�tte and Joanne L. Turcotte,;'-:'
<br />husband an.d wife, (as joint tenan�s).
<br />� � *
<br />2. Ths N. 75 feet of the S. 188 feet of the E. 1.68 feet of the N.2 of the
<br />I�W� of the SW� �of the �E� of Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23, subject to Dellwood �
<br />Street. Address: 2263 Dellwood Avenue N., St.Pau1, Minn. 55113.
<br />1 � � � i� , ��� v-� I
<br />Apparent record owner5: Arthur A. Beisang and Shirley F. Beisang,
<br />(as joint tenants) .
<br />�'� � sti
<br />3. All that paxt "lying E. of the W. 100 �eet, and lying N. of the S. 263
<br />feet, of the E. 2 of the �1.2 of the NW� of the SW4 af the S�� of Sec. �.0,'
<br />T. 29, R, 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, subject to Dellwood Street.
<br />Address: 2543 Arona Street, St. Paul, Minn. 55113.
<br />Apparent record owners: Robert E. armstzongcand1Elv�ra�Armstrong,
<br />(as joint tenants).
<br />�'� �� ��
<br />�+• The S. 113 feet �f the N.2 of the NW� of the SW� of the SE�, Sec. 10,
<br />T. 29, R. Z3. Address: 2253 Dellwood A venue N., St. Paul,Minn. 5511�.
<br />�..> j 3 f�.' e-� � c�.� v..t. ,�i
<br />Apparent record owners: Richard H. Willis and Elaine J. Wilfi�,
<br />husband and wife, (as joint tenants).
<br />;� -;� k
<br />�• The E. ; of the N. 1/5 of the S. Z of the NW� of the SW� of the SE� of
<br />Sec, 1�, �'. 29, R. 23. Address: 22�7 Dellwood Avenue N., St. Paul,
<br />Minn. 55113.
<br />� l �� -f �-' , .(� -<- 1( �a � � � c�
<br />Apparer.t record awners:
<br />���
<br />�� 1
<br />Pau1 0. Smith and Margaret A. Smithy
<br />husband and wife, (as joint tenants).
<br />�'� :c
<br />