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C'� <br />7. <br />8. <br />9. <br />10. <br />N. 66 feet of E.2 of S. 2/3 of N. 3/5 of S.Z of NW4 of SW� of SE�, <br />Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23. 2241 Dellwood Avenue N., St.Paul, Minn. 55113. <br />� I `� � /� �j {,�-�µ'� v-tl` <br />Apparent record owners: Dennis J. Drackext and Maria L. Drackert, <br />husband and wife, (as joint tenants). <br />-;: � � <br />A11 of the E.2 of the S. 2/3 of the N. 3/5 of the S.2 of the NW� of the <br />SW4 of the SE� in Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23, except the N. 66 feet thereof, <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota. Address: 17�0 Lexington Avenue, St. Paul, <br />Minn. 55106. jI <br />,- <br />� <br />Apparent record owner: Minnesota Federal Savings and Loan Associa- <br />tion, (U. S. �orporati�n). <br />� � � <br />W. 110 �eet of the N. 165 feet of E.� of the SW� of the SE�, Sec. 10, <br />T. 29, R. 23, subject to Dellwood Street. <br />Address: 2254 Merrill Street, St. Paul, Minn. 551J.3. <br />�- --- _____ <br />_ __� <br />Apparent record owners: John H. T. Pound and Irer�e G. Pound, <br />husband and wi�e, (as joint tenants). <br />* � � <br />The S. 7� feet of the W. 327.51 feet of the N.� of �he NW� of the SW� <br />of the SE� of Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23. <br />Address: 2270 N. Hamline Avenue, St. k'aul, Minn. 55113. <br />1�-��_�.,�--�. <br />Apparent record owners: Paul' F. Heuser artd J�anne D, H�us�e�, <br />husband and wife, (as jaint ten�nts}. <br />�ti � � <br />Th� W.� of the N. 1/5 of the S.� of the N6d� of �h� SW'� of the SE� <br />�of Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23. Address: 2240 N. Hamli,ne Avenue, S�.Pau�., <br />Minn, 55113. � <br />Apparent record owner: Marvin E. Ryss�-' <br />,� ' � <br />� <br />11. W.� 4f the S. 1/2 of the N. 2/5 at th� S.� af the N�J� of th� SW'� of th� <br />SE�, Sec. 10? T. 29, R. 23. Address: 1�50 W. Larp+enteur Av�nu@, S�, <br />Paul, Minn. 55113. � <br />12. <br />13. <br />� ���, ��2 <br />Apparent record owners: W�lter F. S�epnitz arad Evelyn M. Stepn�.t�, <br />husbac�d and c�►i�e, (�s joint �cn�r���) . <br />�� � � <br />The W. 1/2 of th� S. 2/3 o�t the N. 3/5 af th� �. � oi tt�e NW!� o� the SW� <br />of the SE� of Sec. 10, T. 29, �. 23, excepG the N. 66 feet tt�er���. <br />Ad�lress: 2236 N. Hamline Avenu�, St, P�ul, Mi.nn, 551.13. <br />r---- <br />, <br />Apparent re�ord owz�er: Doloxes M. Johnsan. <br />�� �� � <br />All that part ot the N. b�c:re5 of tt�� NE� of Ch� SE� o£ the SW�, o£ <br />Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23, itamsey Caur�ty, Ali,i-�n�sn�a, lying S' ly v� the zi�,ht�- <br />of-w�y a� State Z'r�anlc H1�'iliJs3y No. 36, ci��crii�ecl �s iallow5� �3cgi.nnin� <br />at a point on the N. �nd S.qunrt�r 1i.�1� �� s�a�.c� S�e. 10, d�.stnnl: 7.fJ33.90 <br />feet N. of �.he S, qu�arter carner c�t s�iici Sec. 10, thc�nc� run �1'1y �r an <br />an�le oi 90" �.0' S1" wi th s� i�i N. and S. qut�r tcr 1 ine (mc��sured ixum N. <br />to W.) for � dista�lce oL- �3.0 �eet to the ��ctut�l ��Q�T1C pL b�ginning a� <br />the tract oi l�ind to be h�reby descrit�ed, tk�c����� c:antinu� 1�'` 1y oi1 �.ast <br />mentioned line a cli�ran�e of 441.9b F��t, thencc deL1�c�: to thc righ� <br />on a tangential curve concaUe to �he NI: havi�lg � a:�ad�.us aL 131.Q Le�t �nd <br />having a clelta ang1� �f 9Q" 22' S1" Lur �� clis�ance of 206.65 �eet, th�nce <br />defl�ct to the xight on a t�aizg�nt:i.�l curve coc�cave tp th� 5�having a <br />radius ot- 15b,0 L-eet and having €� dc:ita angle; o� 67" SQ' 20" .EoL a c3is- <br />tance of 1�4, 71 feer, Lh�nce detle�t L-o the right oc� � ��ng�nti�al cuxve <br />concave to the SE having a raclius of 935.93 t��C for a distanc� oi 24.39 <br />feet, more or less, to its intersection with �h� S' ly ri�;ht-nf-caay 1�.�� <br />(Continued,on next sheet) <br />