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� <br />side. When and if additional (and is acquired to the so�uth of the present <br />property, it should be the prime obj�ctive ta eliminat� th�se aspha(t areas <br />an the west and north side and re-orient the laading ae�d receiving av�tay <br />from the nort� side entrance. Mlr. Fuith indicqted that this ioo vwould be <br />the objective of the developer at any fu�-ure stage of expansior�. <br />c. Last year the V il (age approved the expansian of a�rarF ing facil ity on <br />the east side of the plan whi�h is currently iayed ou# tQ accommodate <br />40 cars. The� dimensions are such, however, th�t 46 cars could be <br />accommodated on this lot if the parking were placed perpendicuiar <br />rather than on adiagonal�asis currently the caseo There are an additional <br />4 parking spaces, park�d parallel on the west side of the building. Thus, <br />the present parking ca,pacit� �s 44 spaces which could be enlarged to a <br />tota) of 50 without additior�al construction. The ord�nance requirem�nts <br />on parking would require ;� parking s�yczces fo; the offic� area at a rafie <br />of 1 pa�king space for eacin 150 squar�e feet of net office area, onci a <br />total of 43 parl<ing spaces for the industrial ar�a r�t a rate of 1 par4cing <br />space per 1,OQ0 sq�uar� feE:to in the industrial district 1 pc�rking space <br />pe; 1,00� square f�et or 2 parking spaces fnr every three employ�es <br />(whichever is greater) is requiredo According to Mr, Fuith fihere w�ll <br />be 56 employees. Two-i-hirds of 56 being approximately 38 woufd <br />produce a parki�g requirement of 45 (3$ plus � for the totai structure. <br />On the basis of 1 Fxarkan� spac�e per i,000 the total requirement,of <br />�ourse,woul� be 50. <br />d. Thus, the property in question can accommodate �he re�uired number of <br />parking spaces as sp�cifiec! by the zonin� ardinance. The real question <br />is,of course, is there adequate parking accarding to the needs. Mr. <br />�uith indicates that mnny af their empioyees walk to �vork naving mmved <br />to the area �luring the period sinc� 1941 when the initial plan was <br />establ ished at tliis location o He �rrdicates the present parking facil ities <br />are adequate for the current employee load, WP would conc(�de thaP <br />there is adequate parking for th� development in question and that should <br />additional perking be required, fhere would be available space in the <br />grassed area fio the south of the present structures. <br />e. V�/A suggest that the real solution to the property in question ultimately <br />i� the acquisitian of additional land. 7his would enable access to the <br />parking to the east without utilizing fihe circuitous raute around the <br />buiiding to the north side. If this �s done the area of land that is <br />somewhat surrounded by buildings south of the area mark�d "shop" <br />could be built-in thus, ailowing service to the vauit stora�e and <br />casting room from the east, This w�uld then eliminate the drive around <br />the north ar�� west sides resulting in greater efriciency f�r the op�ration. <br />