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FML, Inc. <br />STS Project 93589 <br />August 28, 1985 <br />-11- <br />1 <br />As indicated on the boring logs, the fill deposits are highly <br />' I variable in both soil type and relatively density. Much of the <br />fill was dark brown to black and contained traces of organic soil <br />' and debris. At the locations of Borings 9 and-15, significant <br />amounts of organic silt or fibrous peat were encountered. <br />1 In general, the soils within the existing fill area are unsuitable <br />for the support of structures, bituminous roadway^ or utilities <br />unless some remedial actions are taken. Conditions in the area of <br />the proposed building location would be suitable for the use of <br />alternative subgrade corrections such as dynamic compaction <br />"pounding", but the cost of this process including mobilization of <br />equipment, engineering, and testing for an area of this small'size <br />would be comparable to that of conventional site preparations. <br />Therefore, we recommend that a conventional approach of excavation <br />and backfilling be used in preparing this building pad. Due to the <br />variability of soil conditions in the fill area, the full extent <br />and nature of the required corrections may be unknown until the <br />time of construction. <br />The two anticipated four-plex structures located at the north end <br />of the site are in the area of Borings 4, 5 and 10 which indicate <br />fill extending to depths of 15 ft, 20 ft and 19 ft, respectively. <br />We recommend that the existing fill within the building area be <br />removed to a depth which will provide a suitable naturally - <br />occurring non -organic excavation base for the support of structural <br />t <br />fill. The excavation should be oversized beyond the outline of the <br />proposed building enough to allow for the proper placement of <br />structural fill. At the location of Boring 5, possible fill was <br />encountered at a depth of 20.5 ft which extended to 27 ft below the <br />existing ground surface. It is possible that this fill would be <br />'suatable for the support of overlying structural fill and founda- <br />tions. <br />unda- <br />tions. We recommend that this soil as well as the entire excava- <br />tion base be observed and tested by an experienced STS Technician <br />in order to determine its suitability for support of additional <br />i fill. <br />