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CASE NUMBER: 1474-83 7 December 1983. <br />APPLICANT: Hoffman Corner Oil Company Page 2 <br />6. Curbing is required defining the interior parking spaces, and such curbing <br />is required to be five feet from a property line. The curbing that <br />appears to exist on the site plan contiguous to Rice Street appears to be <br />seven feet from the right-of-way and thus conforms with this aspect of the <br />Ordinance. The principal structure too is conforming to .requirements inas- <br />much as it exceeds the 30 foot setback required from each street. <br />This being an old service station site, it appears that interior curbing <br />defining parking and access areas for automobiles may not exist. The <br />Commission may wish to question the applicant regarding this condition, <br />and consider whether or not such curbing should be installed at this time <br />eliminating the non -conforming status of the remainder of the site. <br />7. You will notice on the site plan that the location of the sign does not <br />comply to Ordinance requirements. This has apparently occurred due to the <br />expansion of the right-of-way on Rice Street to 49.5 feet to the center line <br />rather than the normal 33 foot right-of-way to the center line provided <br />automatically on section line roads. Thus, the sign is non -conforming but <br />may continue to be left in that status under these conditions. Should the <br />applicant propose to construct a new sign at some time in the future, such <br />signs can be placed on a service station site at the corner within six feet <br />of*the right-of-way of Rice Street and South Owasso Boulevard. <br />8. The Planning Commission and Council may wish to consider approval of the <br />variance as proposed with the condition that sidewalk be constructed as <br />required by Ordinance, 'and an optional condition that the remainder of the <br />site be brought into conformance with the addition of .driveway and interior <br />curbs as by Zoning Ordinance requirements. <br />