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N <br />MEMORANDUM <br />OATF!t March 31, 19ss <br />TO: Craig A. Waldron <br />FROM: Rick Jopke <br />SUBJECT: Rose Gallery/Lexington School Parking <br />I have had 2 conversations with Roger Jensen from the city <br />attorneys office concerning the use of the former Lexington <br />School property for parking by Rose Gallery customers or <br />employees. The school property is zoned R-1 and commercial <br />parking is not permitted in the R-1 district. Roger indicated he <br />had some concerns and questions which we should address before we <br />take any action. The questions which he had were how long has <br />the parking been going on and has the city been aware of this <br />parking. Also he wanted to know if there were any other similar <br />cases in the city. Roger's main concern seemed to be unequal <br />enforcement of the ordinances and how the courts might look at <br />this if it went to court. <br />Roger recommended that we provide him answers to these questions <br />and concerns and then he would advise us as to how to best <br />proceed. <br />