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1 <br />' <br />location and operation of the proposed Facility due to <br />existing land use. <br />5. Waste Analysis Plan. <br />5.10 General. The Waste Analysis Plan prescribes the <br />measures which will govern the development of detailed <br />chemical and physical information <br />' <br />regarding wastes <br />which will be received, processed, treated, and stored <br />at the Facility. Information relating to wastes coming <br />to the Facility will be developed by <br />' <br />the generator, <br />Facility operator, and testing laboratories. It is <br />generated to assure the safe processing and storage of <br />all waste material. Compliance <br />with these steps is <br />assured by the waste treatment contract between the <br />Facility operator <br />and the waste generator, as well as <br />regulatory requirements and inspections. <br />' <br />There <br />are three basic stages of waste analysis <br />applicable to all <br />wastes for which Facility receipt is <br />desired. First, prior to the shipment of any <br />waste to <br />the Facility, a generator must secure approval from the <br />Facility operator indicating <br />that the characterized <br />waste can be accepted for processing or storage. All <br />new wastes are subject to <br />a waste type <br />analysis/screening. At this stage, the Facility <br />operator checks to see whether the waste is of a kind <br />and type which <br />' <br />can be processed or stored at the <br />Facility pursuant to the operating permits and whether <br />the Facility has the physical and technical capacity <br />and capability to <br />' <br />process or store the proposed waste. <br />This stage typically occurs <br />prior to the execution of a <br />processing/storage contract with the <br />generator. <br />' <br />The second stage analysis occurs when any waste <br />shipment comes <br />to the Facility. The third stage <br />involves quality control <br />procedures applicable to <br />checking wastes and waste batches during <br />processing. <br />5.20 Regulatory Requirements. Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency (MPCA) and Federal Environmental <br />Protection Agency (EPA) regulations require that <br />operators of hazardous waste treatment and storage <br />facilities <br />' <br />comply with specific requirements relating <br />to waste shipment, receipt, <br />processing, and record <br />keeping. The following regulatory requirements, <br />' <br />among <br />others, will govern the operation of the Facility. <br />5.21 Manifests. All hazardous waste shipments <br />arriving at the Facility must be manifested. The <br />manifest <br />must be completed by the waste generator and <br />must list all materials in the shipment, including: <br />the generator's hazardous waste identification number; <br />' <br />the description of each waste; the PCA/EPA hazardous <br />1 22. <br />