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U <br />in the solution. Cyanide is made by combining carbon <br />and nitrogen. When it is <br />oxidized, the harmless <br />carbon dioxide and nitrogen are released. gases <br />e <br />oxidation reaction occurs with sodium hypochlorite in <br />an alkali solution. A covered <br />mixing tank with a mixer <br />is required for the reaction. <br />2.264 Metal Precipitation and Sludge Thickening. <br />Soluble metal salts <br />occur in plating bath dumps, <br />etching bath dumps, metal finishing rinse <br />waters and <br />the ion exchange regenerant solutions. In order for <br />metal to be removed from a water solution, metal salts <br />must be converted to insoluble <br />hydroxides. Lime or <br />sodium hydroxide is added to a mixing vat which <br />precipitates <br />the metal as a metal hydroxide. The <br />sludge or hydroxide formed must also be clarified <br />through adding a flocculant <br />agent which aids in <br />dropping or accumulating the sludge at the bottom <br />of <br />the mixing vat. The remaining process water is <br />decanted out of the <br />e <br />vat. The wet sludge is then <br />prepared for dewatering in the belt or filter <br />press. <br />The belt press is a mechanical and vacuum press which <br />squeezes the water out of the remaining sludge or metal <br />hydroxide material. The water <br />content of the sludge at <br />this stage is approximately 65% to 70% <br />water. <br />2.265 Oily Water Emulsion Breaking. Oily waters <br />cannot be discharged into <br />the sewer system. They are <br />collected and brought to the Facility to have <br />the <br />emulsion or stable mixture of oil in water broken. <br />Emulsion breaking is accomplished <br />' <br />by mild heating of <br />the liquid and the addition of chemicals <br />to reduce the <br />molecular attraction between the oil and water <br />e <br />molecules. Once the emulsion has been broken, the oil <br />will float <br />to the surface and will be decanted into <br />drums. Those drums will be shipped to <br />a treatment or <br />disposal facility as part of the normal organic <br />1 <br />material storage and shipment process. <br />2.266 Drum Storage. All drums received for storage <br />will be maintained in the <br />' <br />appropriate area of the drum <br />warehouse portion of the Facility. Upon receipt <br />of <br />sufficient material to provide for a full truckload <br />shipment to <br />an ultimate treatment or storage <br />destination, <br />organic material will be immediately <br />loaded and transported as <br />an outgoing shipment from the <br />Facility. The storage and receipt <br />of materials is more <br />fully described in Sections 3 and 7. <br />There will be materials recovered at the Facility as <br />individual <br />' <br />or single -metal hydroxides. If there is <br />enough volume and economic value for <br />resale of this <br />material, it will be resold to metal smelters for <br />i <br />reuse <br />1 9. <br />