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• <br />CASE NUMBER: 1569-84 Page 3 <br />8. The staff has met: with the developers and their consultants on frequent <br />occasions these past months to review and coordinate -the architectural <br />and engineering plans as completed thus far. DaN`_d Drourn, Assistant City <br />Engineer, has prepared a report for us, the essence of which will be <br />includri in this report. There are some remaining; details to be <br />clarified which may be added as conditions to any approvals granted by <br />the Planning Commission and Council at this stage. <br />9. To simplify the review of a rather complex proposal, we will divide our <br />comments by subject: <br />a. Variances. The additional 16.5 feet of right-of-way dedication along <br />Fairview Avenue is proposed and indicated on the plan. This places <br />the structure 17.5 feet from the right-of-way. In a typical business <br />zone this distance would, of course, be 30 feet. This is perhaps the <br />most serious variance request, but was proposed as a means of <br />enlarging the structure in an area where it would have no impact upon <br />the allocation of parking, nor infringement upon a residential zone. <br />Fairview Avenue will be recons..ructed at this location as indicated <br />on the plans, and thus traffic visibility will not be a problem <br />inasmuch as the intersection relates to north -bound traffic (east of <br />the median). Thus, we feel that this variances is an appropriate <br />request keeping within the spirit of Section 9.030 of the Ordinance. <br />On the north side where we are contiguous to single family residences <br />which face Oakcrest, the building is proposed to be setback 60 feet <br />from the property line. You will notice, however, that north of the <br />property line is a 43 foot, 9 inch strip of land owned by Williams <br />Pipeline. The applicants have received permission to grade and do <br />landscaping on that portion of the pipeline south of the south of the <br />lines themselves. Thus, the total setback from the structure to the <br />rear lot lines of the single family lots to the north is 103.9 feet. <br />The Ordinance also requires a 40 foot landscaped strip to separate <br />the Shopping Center District from the residential area. This strip <br />will be a total of 53 feet, 9 inches wide with ten feet of the <br />landscaped area being on the applicant's property. <br />The developers have had meetings with the neighbors to the north and <br />have indicated to the staff that the -ieighbors are acceptable to <br />their plan with the provision that their be an eight foot chain link <br />fence constructed within the buffer zone and that vines be planted <br />so as to cover the fence itself. The landscaping plan indicates, <br />generally how this is to be done. The developers' architect at our <br />request, is preparing a more detailed section of this landscaping <br />and grading plan for this part of the site so we can more readily <br />evaluate the appropriateness of that solution. <br />On the east side of the building much of the building will be 18 <br />feet from the easterly property line. Here we have encouraged the <br />developers to the east and the Tanurb people to work together to <br />achieve a joint driveway between the properties. This agreement has <br />