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• <br />• <br />CASE NUMBER: 1569-84 <br />Page 4 <br />been achieved, and has been incorporated into the development plan as <br />approved by the City for the shopping center to the east. <br />At the far southeast corner of the structure, the building will be <br />as close as ten feet to the property line. This is done so as to <br />achieve a loading bay area, the doors of which open north, rather <br />than to the east. A screen wall will be constructed here to hide <br />this service entrance from America Street to the east. <br />this end of the building the developers wanted to extend the <br />shopping center further to the south. However, the City was <br />concerned about the extension of America Street so as to connect to <br />County Road B-2 and westerly to Fairview. Thus, the building was <br />angled at approximately 45 degrees as you will note on the plan so as <br />to achieve this connection in a more reasonable fashion. The traffic <br />geometries have been examined by the developers' traffic engineers <br />(Strgar-Roscoe) and is recommended as an appropriate solution by the <br />City staff. <br />On the southerly part of the development, a separate structure is <br />proposed as a part of the overall plan under the Shopping Center <br />District, wherein the structure will be 25 feet from the south <br />property line. This structure is proposed to be it TGIFriday's <br />Restaurant. Detail plans for this structure have not been submitted <br />but the siting of the building, access, and parking arrangements, is <br />definitive and requested for approval along with the overall plan <br />under consideration. <br />The setbacks for the parking are proposed to be 11 feet on the west <br />side, 10 feet on the north side, 10 feet on the east side (except <br />for the joint driveway area), and 10 feet on the south side. In view <br />of the overall objectives of the plan (maximum efficiency of the <br />site), we feel that these setbacks are reasonable. The 10 feet is a <br />normal requirement in the B-IB District for instance for interior lot <br />lines. <br />b. Access. The developers in the City have successfully negotiated with <br />Ramsey County to allow full turning movements at the new access to be <br />provided at the southeast corner of the site, approximately halfway <br />between the existing entrances to Rosedale, along County Road B-2 in <br />this sector. The existing right -turn in and right --turn out access to <br />the small shopping center to the east (Audio King building) will <br />remain. An additional access is proposed as indicated on the plan. <br />Three curb cuts are proposed on Fairview Avenue which have been <br />approved by the County and designed in accordance with the traffic <br />engineers recommendations. It is important to note that the access <br />to the north of the shopping center (furthest north on Fairview <br />Avenue) will be a one-way access in only. <br />An important condition to consider attaching to any approvals would <br />be that there would be easements provided to the City guaranteeing <br />
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