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January 4, 1985 <br />MEMO <br />To: City Council via City Manager <br />From: Fire Chief James Dougherty <br />Subject: Traffic on Fairview Avenue <br />I would like to take this opportunity to apprise the Council of our <br />concerns with the volume of traffic on Fairview Avenue from County Road <br />B north to County Road C. On a number of occasions, our fire apparatus <br />has been seriously delayed due to the volume of traffic. Recently, our <br />vehicles had a serious delay in getting out of station two onto Fairview <br />due to the traffic. <br />With the proposed shopping center to be constructed on Fairview (Loehmann's <br />Plaza) and to some extent, Pavillion Place on B2, this situation will only <br />become worse and ultimately this may result in an unfortunate delay. We <br />have in the past requested an accelerated program to provide Opticom on <br />the traffic control lights at County Road B2 and both sides of Highway 36. <br />This need i•s becoming critical and is sure to get worse. <br />With the close proximity of the exit from Loehmann's Plaza to station two, <br />we would request the Council consider installing red traffic control lights <br />on Fairview approximately 300 feet north and south of station two. This <br />control device could be activated by an Opticom sensor or other device from <br />station two. The activation would turn the signal on and allow it to remain <br />on for a period not to exceed one and one-half to two minutes. This would <br />allow apparatus to exit the station and proceed in either direction. This <br />practice is commonly used in many areas of the country with good success. <br />It provides a rapid, dependable and relatively inexpensive solution to <br />highly conjected traffic situations. <br />