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CASE NUMBER: 1569-84 Page 8 <br />k. Building Material. The Pavilion Shopping Center to be constructed to <br />the east (for which a building permit has now been issued) will be <br />constructed of brick materials very similar to that used in the <br />Roseville City Hall. The newest shopping center in Roseville on the <br />Old Frontier site has also been constructed of that material. <br />The applicants in this case propose to use a "rock -face concrete <br />block". Until very recently it was assumed that the structure would <br />be built of brick as was suggested at the initial meeting with the <br />Council this fall. At the meeting with the Council in early <br />December. when the development proposal was referred to the Planning <br />Commission, several Council members expressed their strong desire for <br />brick material. - We feel that this is a very important decision <br />inasmuch as the overall quality of the Rosedale development area is <br />an essential ingredient to its future success. <br />If you wish to see the rock -face concrete block as proposed, you can <br />see it on the back of the Calhoun Square Shopping Center at the <br />southeast corner of Lake Street and Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis. <br />The front of this building is done in brick and is in keeping with <br />the quality of the general Lake and Hennepin Area. The developer has <br />indicated to us that he will leave the decision to the City, though <br />he prefers the rock -face concrete block as it costs less. <br />10. We would remind the developer, the Planning Commission, and Council that <br />the staff has worked closely and diligently with the developer to achieve <br />maximum efficiency of the land. Obviously, the reduced setbacks and <br />parking ratio confirm this intent. However, the discussion of these <br />elements at the staff level has always been with the assumption that the <br />building itself would be done in a "quality" material. The development <br />of both new shopping centers north of Rosedale with the same brick <br />material, we suggest, would be most consistent and aesthetically <br />appealing. <br />