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Cafesjian Residence <br />Page 2 <br />three garages stalls attached to the residence. The parking court is set back 40 feet from <br />the front lot line and is screened by 4 foot tall brick screen walls and vegetation. The <br />pergola over the garage entries is set back 88 feet from the from the front lot line. <br />On the west side of the lot, the pergola wraps around the house abutting the 10 foot side <br />lot setback line. This side of the house is heavily screened by existing vegetation on the <br />neighbor's property. This will be supplemented by additional vegetative screening of <br />various heights ranging from 4 feet to 12 feet tall. <br />On the east side, a brick and concrete stair will be constructed to provide an outside access <br />from the parking court to the walkout level. Where walls are required for the stairs, <br />they have been held back 10 feet or more from the side lot line. This feature will be <br />heavily screened with an evergreen hedge. <br />On the north or lake side, the house does not intrude into the 75 foot shoreline setback. <br />At its closest point, the house is 85 feet from the high water line, measured perpendicular <br />from the northern -most wall. A brick and concrete paved patio extends out from the <br />facade of the building toward the lake. A strip of this patio an average of 8 feet wide is <br />within the 75 foot setback. The patio area will be used for outdoor entertaining and foot <br />traffic and patio furniture will prevent the maintenance of vegetative surface in this <br />area. An area of mowed lawn grass will be established and maintained from the patio to <br />the line of existing trees which line the shore. The lakeshore area will be planted with <br />native grasses which will not be mowed. The mowed area will be st.parated from the <br />native grasses by a strip of perennial flowers which are also naturally associated with <br />Lakeshore environments. <br />Statuary. The gardens around the house, including those in the lakeshore area, will <br />display the owner's collection of original, fine art statuary. The statuary is generally <br />classical in style. <br />Grading and drainage. Existing drainage swales generally follow the east and west <br />property lines to the lake. The flow lines of these swales will be maintained at their <br />existing elevations. The paved and vegetated surfaces of the site will be sloped to drain to <br />these swales. The roof drainage will also be directed to the side swales. The patio and lawn <br />areas on the north side will be sheet drained to the lake. <br />The area that will be disturbed by grading is generally defined by the perimeter of the <br />paved surfaces and building footprint shown on the site plan plus about 10 feet. The <br />exception to this will be an area of terraced fill along the lakeward edge of the patio <br />averaging 1.5 feet deep. This fill is required to provide a smooth transition from the floor <br />elevation of the house, and its associated patio, to existing grades without the use of walls <br />or steep erodible slopes. This fill will be feathered into the existing grade approximately <br />18 feet horizontally into the 75 foot shoreland setback area. <br />During construction, exposed earth areas will be graded to allow eroded soil to settle out <br />from runoff waters. A silt fence will be constructed and maintained, throughout the <br />construction period, to intercept and remove transported soil particles from the runoff <br />water coming off exposed soil areas. Grading and site construction will be prosecuted in a <br />timely manner to minimize the length of time soil surfaces are exposed to runoff waters. <br />Vegetation removal. The existing grass surfaces will be removed as needed to permit <br />the placement of the building, paved surfaces, and proposed planting indicated on the <br />Continued next page. <br />
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