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-3- <br />13. Hardee's/Mr. Steak. Ed Gorman and Frank Dahl (representing Hardee's) <br />and Ron Larson representing Mr. Steak, were in with Brad Lundberg from <br />Bonestroo and Rosene Associates to review a proposed revision to their site <br />plan, adding a driveup window for the Hardee's Restaurant. We suggested a <br />slight change in the alignment of the driveup lane to eliminate a tight corner, <br />and make provisions for a landscape area contiguous to the driveup lane. 99ze <br />arrangement seems to work well, with the loss of 3 parking spaces. We feel, <br />however, that the driveway facility will more than compensate for the loss of <br />the spaces, inasmuch as a dozen cars can stack up in the driveup facility. <br />They also agreed to add boulevard -sees (not in the boulevard) on the frontage <br />similar to that which is being done to the newer restaurants in the area. They <br />will revise their plans accordingly, including specific provisions for revisions <br />to the drainage plan. If done as proposed, we feel that this adjustment in <br />the layout will be a workable solution. <br />14. Glendenning. David Kirsch, landscape architect, was in again with a represent- <br />ative of the Glendenning/Minnesota Wisconsin. Trucking Company regarding expansion <br />of their site south of Oasis Park. They have revised their plans to provide for <br />additional landscaping as we recommended the last time we met, and now propose. <br />to dedicate the 100 feet of shoreline as we previously discussed. They have met <br />with the Board of Directors of the Fairview Heights Association, and report that <br />the Association is pleased with the development proposal. They indicated <br />Les Judkins, President of the Association, and three of the board members were <br />present at the meeting which occurred on October 23. <br />They had submitted a letter indicating a possible application for reduction in <br />the 150 foot setback to parking requirement, and that they would consider <br />dedicating the 100 foot setback area around the Lakeshore. We gave the letter <br />back to them and requested that they submit a new letter specifically requesting <br />the variance from 150 feet to 100 feet, and -that the letter specifically commit <br />to dedicating the 100 foot area within a specific time. They agreed to do this. <br />As now proposed, the development includes all the suggestions we had regarding <br />the handling of the landscaping, the berming, and the retention of existing <br />trees. We feel that if the development is done as proposed, that this will <br />successfully make the transition from the neighborhood, Oasis Park, to the <br />truck terminal development. It is also agreed in the plans that that portion <br />of the truck terminal space to be expanded will be done with asphalt and con- <br />crete curbs as required by ordinance. <br />In summary, we feel that the sl-nreline development proposal as now submitted <br />is a reasonable solution. We suggest that the variance to the 150 foot parking <br />setback requirement is reasonable, on the condition that the 100 foot of land <br />area is dedicated, as was done in the case of Langdon Lake by Hyman Motor <br />Freight people several years ago. <br />
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