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ring notice <br />�,vvg4?M IT MA CONCERN: <br />Notice is he�eb y givens; that the <br />Planning CO(nmii lon of<,the City of <br />P=Roseville wlll`rrieet at `Rosev)IIe City, <br />"Hall ; 2660 Civic;: Center':Drive on! <br />J-Wednesdayt^JUIy:3,,1989 at'7:30 pm;; <br />ijorjhe,purpose of; considering the fol <br />r;lowing�equest. , <br />M q T+. Propertie's request, for, <br />rezoning fro R-,l. to B 3 and a special <br />use. permit for.a',conveni6nce store' <br />with fuel -sales. at,2884 Old"Highway,8. <br />The apPSicant 1s,rproposing. to con• <br />struct. a. 2 400 `sq. foot, convenience <br />store'with three gas: pumps on the <br />:site <br />The`City, Council, of the City of <br />Roseyille whl meet on Monday, July <br />24.1969,;6f CIty;Hail atli30,p:m:; to; <br />,consider. this request <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION; <br />ThaYpart of the Northwest)/A�of Sec•' <br />'tfon;5; Township 29 North, Range 23 <br />West described as follows:. Commen- <br />icing at a pointon the south line of said- <br />,Northwest;:IA, distanh330.}eel"East of <br />;the So1Rhwest` dornerof'said North- <br />west-1/4 thencb}Northdasterly forming <br />`amangle`of 51 tl4lgreed 2dieet with the <br />South Ilne of.isald korthwesf IA a <br />; distance ;offf 177.8 feet;.ihiince West <br />'parallel: with theta South, line of said <br />Northwest 1/4.337.8 feet more or: less to,, <br />the 'center Iine Of`-Slate':Highway. <br />i Number.'?67,Srth`once `Southwasferly <br />alono4ald minteC itno-of state High.., <br />way 1S2.6 feel `more'or less to the. <br />South lineof sutd Northwest 1/4 thence <br />East 290.fer} more or toss to the point <br />of begtnnf(Ig <br />/1JStd re Norlh <br />4§SIEvdNorlh <br />g Acting. tity M&nager <br />iNIIIIsbed in the Roseville Focus <br />POST PUBLICATIONS <br />AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ss. <br />Walter D. Roach <br />being duly sworn, on oath says that he Is the publisher or authorized <br />agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as the _ Roseville Focus <br />and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: <br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as <br />Provided by Minnesota Statue 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. <br />(8) The printed Notice - M.A.T. Properties request for <br />rezoning from R-1 to B-3 for conv. store at 2884 <br />Old Hwy. 8 <br />which Is attached was cut Irom the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once 4 weak, for <br />1 Wednesday 21st <br />Successive weeks: It was first published on _ iht <br />asr of <br />June <br />19_89 And was ihereelter printed and published an every <br />10 And including the day of it <br />and printed below IS 4 copy of the lower case 410110MI from A fo Z. both InCIVS4ve, which <br />ing the Site and kind of 1YPe VWd In It1e composillon And publication of the notice If hereby 4tknow tfdQed as be- <br />4bc defohl I k lmnepgrStuvwxy t <br />►ME General Manager <br />en <br />Ihij 22nr? ClAyof June 89 <br />00A <br />4*.... `11A <br />MATE: INFORMATION <br />ill Lowest cl4SS4twofair 04fdby(Ommer(f41VWr}lot (Qm 1- 1.40 <br />P4 r Obi a wp4( e 1 t.4n01 <br />12) M4tlmVmr410A1lowsylbylAwforiho4DOYeri14llQr t��s •45 <br />01 RAICA(tu411y(h4tWdfor Inv tpovemaller l s^ s 6 <br />IL/nai <br />i <br />