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I <br />Ell <br />Dec19 79, <br />,- <br />+Fade this 10th day of • <br />�oo G. Unger and Lou Unger, <br />Douglas <br />'ounty of Ram. , State of Minnesota, parties of the first part, and <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE, Ramsey County, Minnesota, a municipal corporation, <br />;arty of the second part, <br />WITNESSETH : That in consideration of the sum of $ 82 5.00 <br />in hand <br />paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby <br />acknowledged by the parties of the first part, said parties of the first part <br />do hereby give and grant unto party of the second part, its successors and <br />assigns a perpetual easement for underground utility mains, pipes and <br />appurtenances under and across the following described property in Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota: <br />Approximately twenty-three feet (23') deep on that lot <br />described as: Lot 22, Block 4, Minnesota Realty Co's <br />Owasso Plat located in Section 2, Township 29, Range <br />23, Roseville, Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />Said easement being described as the west twenty feet <br />(20') of said Lot 22. <br />EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX. <br />which easement shall include perpetual right of said City of Roseville, its <br />successors or assigns, to construct, maintain, operate and repair underground <br />utility mains, pipes and appurtenances over and across a strip of land <br />hereinbefore described, together with perpetual easement for ingress and <br />egress, all without additional compensation. <br />TO HAVE A111) TO FOLD THE SA11E, Together with all the heredi taments <br />and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to <br />the said party of the seconod pert, its successors and assigns, Forever. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,, the said parties of the first part have <br />hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. <br />Leo G. Unger <br />Mary Lo Un(1er <br />