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STATE ,OF H1,'1:1ESOTA) <br />J C <br />COUiIT'I' OF RAI.ISEY ) <br />On this i D <br />4 <br />day of `,�, 19 , before mie, a ;iota <br />Public, within and for said County, personally appeared - <br />and Mary Lou Urger, husband and wife, <br />Leo G. Unger <br />to ,le known to be tie person _..5 ^ described in and who executed the foregoing <br />l <br />i <br />and <br />to personally <br />nal1 known, who, being each by me duly sworn did sav that they are <br />.a President and the <br />respectively the _ <br />of the corporation named in the foregoinq <br />instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the cornnratq seAl <br />instrument, and acknowledged that then executed the same as their free act and <br />deed. <br />;riS INSTRUNMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: <br />RETERSON, BELL AND CWVERSE, ATTORNEYS <br />1800 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BLDG, <br />ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 <br />STATE OF 111&,l,'lESOTA) <br />SS <br />COUNTY OF RAHSEY ) <br />On this day of <br />44LL .e'�'� - <br />idotary Pub I i c, Rtt Caun ty, fti nnesota <br />U944;1-y commission expires: � <br />19 , before me, a llotary <br />Public, wit'hin and for said County, personally appeared <br />of <br />said <br />corporation, <br />and that said instrument <br />was <br />signed and sealed in behalf <br />of <br />said <br />corporation <br />by authority of its Board <br />of <br />Directors and said <br />and <br />be the free act and deed of said corporation. <br />RETURN T0: <br />BELL t CONVERSE <br />PETERSON <br />MN 55101 <br />acknowledged said instrument to <br />lotary Public, Ramsey County, '•1innesota <br />Ity Commission exoi res : <br />