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PLANNING REPORT <br />DATE: <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATION: <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />7 June 1989 <br />1975 <br />Minnesota Solvents and <br />Chemicals Corporation <br />East End of Rose Place Of f <br />of Walnut Street (see sketch) <br />Approval of Special Use <br />Permit for Manufacturing of <br />100% Ethanol <br />1. The site in question has been utilized by the applicants since 1975 for <br />the storage and distribution of chemicals. Building permits were issued <br />for the development of the site, that being the bulk breaking of a <br />product for wholesale distribution. <br />2. Permits from the' Minnesota Pollution Control Agency were issued for <br />"liquid storage facilities" subject to the construction of a dike <br />surrounding the liquid storage tanks. It is apparent, however, that the <br />construction of the appropriate asphalt driveways, parking, truck loading <br />areas, and poured -in -place concrete curbing were not accomplished as a <br />part of the initial development. <br />3. The applicants now propose to construct a "rectifier/molecular sieve" <br />which is the subject of this application. The of nc n---if" this Cfnit--is—to <br />dehydrate the more readily available 95% ethanol to 100% ethanol. <br />This is accomplished by filtering out the water in an enclosed system. <br />Attached is a letter from the applicant pointing out the dets,ils of their <br />proposal along with reduced site plans for the proposed construction. <br />Also enclosed is a copy of the letter from the applicant's attorney, <br />Rauenhorst Carlson b: Knaak, commenting on the status of the <br />development and application for permit. The attorneys agree that a <br />special use permit under the I-2 District is appropriate. <br />4. We have had discussions with the applicant and the Fire Marshall who <br />indicates that he has no problem with the development in terms of the <br />health and safety code if done in accordance with the PICA <br />requirements. i-lowover, we do have some concerns relating to the <br />handling of the site due to the lack of hard surfaces for the parking <br />driveway, and truck loading areas and the lack of curbing on the site. <br />If you look at the site, you will note that there are considerable areas <br />of gravel rather than the required asphalt or concrete surfaces. Such a <br />surface, of course, allows for still liquids to permeate into the soil <br />rather than be collected in a basin for clean-up. Therefore, it is <br />suggested that as a condition to the issuance of a special use permit, <br />the entire site should be developed in accordance with the standard <br />