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PLANNING REPORT <br />DATE: <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATION: <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />7 June 1989 <br />1972 <br />Richard Stranik <br />Northeast Corner of County <br />Road B and Snelling Avenue <br />Service Road (see sketch) <br />Rezoning from SC to B-31 <br />Special Use Permit for an <br />Automobile Repair Shop, and <br />Variance to Parking Standards <br />PLANNING CONSiI)ERA TIONS: <br />1. The bad flows about this site is that it is extremely small, consisting of <br />.49 nacres to which are additionalIO for County Road B must be <br />dedicated in accordance witli the Rr;mney County rights -of -way {clan. 1n <br />fart, ail three of the sitell in the ri0rt1Iwcat quadrant of this <br />intersection tare sutasta;atinily sautrstandard. The carwash alte consists of <br />.39 acres and the offiC0 bUildifig €iitta (to the north) consists of A75 <br />ocress. The LoU.11 for all threr, sit03 ttquO19 -055 aj"011. <br />2. In additio" to tilese prublemAo, 010re is tfaat probletin with the location of <br />the existinq saarvice rot►d oll t!I(t ttai nt side of Snellingl Avenue <br />intortitictintl wit,, 4 oirroty onsti f3 art the soutiwout corner of tine subject <br />prelytart;o, ifiu Cite Tatra 114(itt relxttaiiterl atttorttTatii to plant for flee <br />relocation of thia scirvico roati. As tnuggast.t3d ti previous rtxlaoris, logical <br />relocation is to strove thvt roadway it) 030 onot Mdo of the existing car <br />.�iaa t sito, w!t cfo ir: tiit= ttoti;ran i1cr�e glriare for the Taraitlt OWN Lint" th`Q <br />Por siroii rraatrrurrarti. Tioi aar°t om 1 irr faro., t tattYitit�ti t zt�t eflt for <br />ttrrtao property owmiru, ttoouajh trut is pt:dol �' i it�ioi-c,f-��aasy, <br />- Tl iz t ti ,t is tttl r oroa i> tyltitt ato for th 'it" to (Im" lot, 1.4 for all lftrt�e �f <br />tiitst, tttt t rt'otfiir l aiit?a t'o txt? rt cltrvf l y st}tl trrott art Imich tittle `wtroti <br />at!lisi s� <br />c#tsti ttitt tir�rir t< rco;rt 000i vzlt-rrtt, .i portion trf this �aflr�llirit� <br />Avt,owe rioht-rif..�r i fortioisil apt t°ooloir 9 ;, trot: sssrtcirt rtr rti. Ti>i s will <br />iyrtt l,t `ts irl,orriwit,o it�?l;r 70 1cot f Rt 1 t-,.,F�t t itai triiaoto to latatEa tltie, <br />ltrtal t,rtt. rM (ltttsatisito nn,$ ttit- totfiic wltn tto trtc? totorth. Tht 1rctNtltito Of <br />Iho riltit-Hof•°.�e; rtocf lion- xiclr#itatp of tti6 ljriotj It, titt twopropo�rtitos <br />ntot�tf r��,o�lal �a�o�atit�tt, t� :iicltoifl�tttit for�tot,ftt will vrttiltt tip l>atrt ofttr <br />trttifti-;off for iorto�.'it4rtoiJ z:tfc-fitiertaiiE :ittiit- f-rrair tortit��'ts iboti strrtoco rued <br />lie hots t-eratot !tit, c- or WoOl <br />l ht, att'tltti iitic?tr trtttf <br />rrtl+�v�tcjoot►r-tit t�f tto,ats ;riilrr�ttic+� tor,�ti��si^dbr, �rti►sito o�ro5'txarli�tic� t1t this <br />luoita[ trot, tto trot? rK,t't,tot :tt�= t,f carve4si sio for r ao►<to �itto�t<tt'ilitrllpr t�rottr <br />I troillttjti clrallir�s, <br />t+. Tlivreflea:*, we iat(lalezit thilt the City eo115idc>r the c olleept of tint <br />seroutint) tho reittiwi'q or Vmnitityt) thi. rit)hl-of-xony tittitil �tUt�h tittle thtsT <br />it tiataialtf Sot: ;ti►lor�ilori ito* (or trrt, tits-mi prtapo tita to lots ocollottiicolly <br />ft+trsitolt� [to r�?tiiie4sliilo tttc� lino,}, t71+it;us itati;i hYrvtt lotittr► i1elil +� ah Mr. <br />