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DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE <br />Market value as dt!fined by the courts is the highest price, <br />rep erty will bring if <br />estimated in terms of money, which a prop <br />exposed for sale in the open mtarkct, allowing' a reasonable time <br />to find a purchaser who buys with full knowledge of all the uses <br />to which it is adapted and for which it ja capable of being used. <br />Tmp1 icit in the nbovtr r_l,Cfa"It iaa:a is the coarsiummaat ion of U ;tole as <br />of n st�ee�ifir�Et c#�rte tang the i>niaiaig =7f t at lr from atelTrr to buyer <br />under conditioats wheiret'y: <br />T. itutitYtaraaa# �=�iTr<r �s'e t�`ira��aa�iy s�ott�.;ntr+�x1. <br />0rjtia T*t t r� ar i iaa40rtZ!"I K 1l ai+i 1. <br />ea <br />atOd roeh bet th aa� �t�>rat �a«� own tvarot <br />.�3i°tal lea ti+7x0to <br />ra��� R6flirr. <br />r� at c ib. oueta <br />ei' d5 g dG K Ai r,; <br />a t <br />.�. LQ.` <br />M Y <br />,rF yyyp ,,55�y <br />fa i,A i ;/ nT r;# <br />tr_ <br />+tars a+@d�n...,C' z �i <br />6a O O <br />E <br />a <br />