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To help facilitate traffic, it is proposed that the Fairview Avenue entry into Rosedale be <br />relocated approximately 150 feet north of its current location. This will allow for <br />increased vehicular stacking for traffic turning into the center and will provide <br />additional room to negotiate lateral movement for northbound traffic wishing to <br />continue northbound or turn west (away from Rosedale). To help diminish the affects <br />of high levels of traffic coming to Rosedale from the west bound lane of T.H. 36, an <br />additional right hand turning lane is proposed. This lane will extend from the access <br />ramp and continue as a dedicated right hand turn lane leading directly into the <br />shopping center. <br />Cumnily, all of the entry/exit access points along Fairview Avenue and County Road <br />B2 are equipr*d with aulon►atic traffic signals.. it has Loon calculated that all <br />Inwrsections and entry/exit points along these ad�iccnt toads will operate. at a <br />satisfactory le, vl of ser%ice by the completion datc of 1992. Traffic studiei strew dull <br />these roads stxruld be able to handle InOrax+d WtOcut3l' If as from the Rwwd►olc <br />expansion as well as Increasmil traffic knots front two tither 018,1%Ifivan. dmVlaprrvrrrt <br />pauj d% In pfogrro an d Irrrrtr li.ltc• ♦°i+ irrita•; <br />The 41(e t of the inar400d C LA at Rowdik. will be in fit ter denund for con% °tit <br />partdng, It jO eWrnated tfxat apTnoxinv3tcly 422 p AfMrtg mAI.L6 will W l dUO to the <br />pmpou d conxttow To offset this lorNsand t Lila GLA to eking Mtn„ VAnrcttxretl <br />jut ki will be 1rdWtkW to tiv site, Aloof. with ire ctfk*tO Owfauv lot MAPW& 2 <br />s ide wry Ixu' Mog dcv's gall W l aw on the toolhwro co —Ma tit the pt+ ty <br />tvtwwo Ow ootea ling row and the 'I%t*wJ ) `ts OOM= UY siting the deck" <br />adptrro go Ow WrIlwAy AM cotMMre 160J u.r decor? wall rlvir r I <br />MO&W arl ti+t:irj4*qN*&t, TIV dr a1wtu #of d*e purer dvd4 b tot a low P401"It. <br />traty mUy v vYMUW, will lit sk"W"Ir, It will 10- vv at "A 7=1 t2 tit 01 cle AM"'aft <br />clot wwtum, AM 14 Ac+rt + U-N ufkkr INC tW W Ow MT40 tL*Us <br />U00% will tv p *! with wou; tulwk U 14l+ a hf" l of <br />trclr+ r'' r I # tx, Tarr It L;Vht 6*1ollmon NNW urjw-E A;i will t '--ifW41 W <br />r-a kpti% #WPo" I#'AVj will r 'ttVV*il a bow fWrt"I U <br />p#rrty the WWI cwt y <br />TW wvo PWWT, &" +mil! tv 4WV d so ter 0*- « sir ra tad p erk- 00 <br />the t'a►i#'Mr`4 w At"W rr' ffy. 'fib POW rfU-% M*1 at "I P will i* k* t <br />appK*to w y ) i s lio m1.rc fy ckwa IU- OOV9 ON fVWj V do <br />A0#% thy' wig v4 dv tmi*p w Ow 6*vt t P'TWk#M " tea ft4 a its <br />to &Ww fOf ps#kwot tvror406 the rip 'f 4mi, N~twkmo. Our "VV "VI WM t+ <br />+0 twee to OUP14Y &f taw *VUOk*IfMft UW ups ar4 "VI IK VU w <br />ap�o.ttacllr 3 t+� +►� � I►� <br />ll +ath &6 w Cot t jo t! ,^v-J ► . 41 00rit ups "TIA, tit WO <br />,Ao *k#rttWW f-4Mf Up IfOM OV JJM ftk;Ul%a trio v tV'-� rr <br />to M"& hm tier "lo t I t*vl,tft '11V vkwolh UAMP w P44 it <br />ttV crpp1" "Ow"OwQ 41M*-A W 00 Ow tPwTf '0 <br />an addtt l wwa W rrs'A;Mute 44 rartkIt j**;*zMe. Aflg <br />bwo friiupd to a r$wvrr d6e"- rt *kmirfk 11W lrwrwrr, ", wo *& the trtt <br />parltir% kkAkxl C. l""UsKyu ate'4f% t Cmr M1W Stull., will W.r+ tal> i <br />tot tt 75 trot ffi ll also t t Wy at's k1 , artc filth a rF ore t1;e <br />%atical kit will YWM 4,00190 tJWM <br />With tivr- cr<=ktvpk4ijn of tl+e P4rkang, t kt are# Ow +Mott.. dWre wrap tv a Mi <br />gain Of 153 P4riaErt Il `tl l ife Sliopping C" will clot" t*Aie a wul 44 6 n4 <br />s ..w�+r+#��aef+.,+ lira :a saaa�B+F+.c• ras8.ra t+� �►-•�k► ht3t�� E'+1l! t,� i4t�f4` Ek�'t <br />of CIA- <br />