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B. Landscaping <br />Major consideration for upgrading the site landscape image has been made. Each <br />vehicular entry will be developed into planted entry "magazines'. These magazines <br />will provide a visual screen of the parking lot, while maintaining good site lines to the <br />Center under the canopy of over story mature trees, The tradition of flower beds at <br />these entry points will be maintained and enhanced. <br />The " r hi terwctions which the magazines create, will help direct traffic to the outer ring <br />road. '[a .As internal peripheral roadway will be further defined with the introduction of <br />planted curbed islands between the read and the surface parking lots. Over story <br />canopy trees will be ptantcd •approximately every other island and will add shade, <br />color, and relief to d*1 lar9c paved surfaces. Additional plant material will be added to <br />the exisdng grf n txcitLs to atto aid in breaking sarrw of the tong sight lines over the <br />parking kit* <br />lard pi at tiw m1no. its the mill tt O **III IV en1a c! by incorporating <br />anal flowem e+ wm t v%, arocl rutty 'W'* will help mate a fricr►dly, <br />pc4c.n4rian KuW ftVqw1WlW 10 dw Center. <br />Addi+ l planD will con,* d wl' trr,ildtcrg ed "WOUnd pl�rw= <br />TbOparMPA dc&*, fof r rrop , %III tw wt� with �t� sod low trt <br />C� f W#W F'ru#i <br />Ttv atir ic <br />rr ll Vr►lrt #1 t rep_j with ww cj' wt h"r�ii t OW- t <br />400p el &' OW IrMic t 'OP*" tq 11w nun Thew era " , are <br />d orru��ur� tilt the AM <br />� �l�rl+� �M <br />, i as pr+a l -40flog" twWWW w tt*f. OW41 trr+,W Wto k4p kky <br />t!w l to !Iw "#Y <br />k UUU wl h are +rn Ot with Ole rw� lip W OWDg1W <br />"P , win tV MW4 "a 143 11004 unl'ty VO4TW40f t w ttw it <br />OW Ow pSAWOg 4rtk* <br />A& OWW win W truly to Ww p►*%"§ lxtt U##AV Oft ttw Utz. !tw <br />way rr t + d1 tw rwwly Cf4W!*1 �-O tv" "V6 54MM water raftwt r l% <br />try► t}w r t, rk kti wirovwwal dV O*k-*mum" 04 <br />dt t rro+ 1 1 l �r lrw pokft *WUM7 CAkh <br />w&11 t t t at low t� OW 10*V* " tip �► <br />OW "ioi or, t1w 4MI OW140W .12W *%,*It <br />115 l4**tiff IN" <br />Addttiolul "W8, Ixarkir�#; t k t ttit WAII tv lM)w*W w tlw arm r ar�th of tlw <br />ru*ol; tuytOWU b4olir In +*V tlw o"'t t rrt'% fillies ow ems -v "t trt�n'� Vie: <br />4 <br />