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documents specified In Part II.C. Involving density of land <br />use and/or level of development, and resultant trip <br />generation, trip distribution, and air quality were used as <br />the basis for authorization of construction as noted above. <br />Except as permitted In Part III.D, Design Changes, changes <br />In these assumptions are not permitted by this permit. <br />D. Definitions. <br />1. Authorization of construction. The phrases "authorize <br />construction" or "authorization of construction" mean <br />the second permittee may authorize or allow the <br />Issuance of any necessary building or grading permits <br />for construction, or approve such final site plans. <br />a. Authorization of occupancy. The term "authorize <br />occupancy" means that the second permittee may Issue an <br />occupancy permit. <br />3. Builder. The term "bulider" shall mean any person or <br />persons with whoa) a developer has contracted to <br />coff"nce construction on any portion of the project for <br />which a building permit it final site plan approval has <br />been received from the Roseville City Council. <br />a. Ca nce"rit of construction, The term "comencement <br />Of cOnStrtictIon" shall have the same cleaning given It <br />In uInn. Rules Parts 7001.1250, subs. 7. <br />Comiselcoar. The phrase *00misslonerm shall ocean the <br />CISIIsioner Of the Agency. <br />B. Design Changes. A proposed 0041fleatlon of any part of <br />the project described in Part i of We permit <br />inCludi ch"ee In the project affecting timing of <br />veiont, trio generatio7. trip distribution, and/or <br />sir puality, Such At, but not limited to, modification& <br />Of buildings, DV Ding, roadwaya and/Or land use$, Shall <br />ba cOnoidereld a "'"sign ChAftgoi it it m4ets any Of the <br />10110,wifto cr1tarla <br />'a) the dification would Joao tq a material adverse <br />offoct on air quality oy siteAring moolle sources' <br />4clivilyl or <br />to) 1110 01rict8tion * ulo violate any Special <br />COnditlona or Conoral Conditions contained In Part <br />M. and PArt iV. of this 0ormit; or <br />tci the modification wo4ild (a) contradict the <br />ilutai t trod Informal lit reforonced In Part I i .C. , <br />and fb1 load to a material offoct on air quality <br />by allorino mobllo Sourca activity. <br />-4- <br />