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7. Developer. The term developer shall mean any person <br />or persons who are seeking or have sought site plan <br />approval from the Roseville City Council for any <br />portion of any project covered by this permit. <br />8. Director. The term "Director" shall mean the Director <br />of the Division of Air Quality of the Agency. <br />PART III SPECIAL CONDITIONS <br />A. Authorization of construction. By the Issuance of this <br />permit, the Agency allows the first permittee to construct <br />any portion of the project, subject to prior receipt of <br />authorization of construction from the second permlttee. <br />Modifications of the project as to amounts and types of land <br />uses shall be subject to the provisions of Part II.C. and <br />Special Condition Part III.D. if they constitute Design <br />Changes. <br />B. No Actions to Violate Permit. The second permlttee may <br />authorize construction, and/or allow construction to proceed <br />once It has commenced, and/or authorize occupancy, for any <br />portion of the project Including associated parking covered <br />by this permit, only If the conditions of this permit have <br />been met. In addition, each permittee shall use best <br />ef-,orts to prevent or restrain any employee of the permittee <br />or any person retained by the permittee on a tee -for -service <br />basis from knowingly taking actions, promoting policies, or <br />signing contracts which encourage developers, builders, or <br />lessees of the properties constructed pursuant to the <br />authority of this permit to violate the terms of this <br />permit. <br />C. No:Iflcatlon of Changes. The Roseville Community <br />Development Director, shall notify the Director at least ten <br />(10) days In advance of the date of any public meeting of <br />the Roseville City Council In which Items to be considered <br />would, If enacted In the form proposed, result In the <br />Inability of Roseville to comply with the provisions of this <br />permit. In the event that an Item Is enacted In a form <br />which would result In the Inability of Roseville to comply <br />with the provisions of this permit, the Roseville Community <br />Development Director shall notify the Director the next <br />working day. <br />D. Design Changes. The permitter: shall follow these <br />procedures for design changes: <br />1. Before Implementing any design change which will have a <br />material adverse effect on air quality by altering <br />mobile source activity, the permlttee desiring the <br />change shall submit the proposed design change to the <br />Director with such Information as the Director may <br />require to determine the effect of the design change. <br />-5- <br />