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The Director shall review the Information and the <br />permlttee shall not implement any design change without <br />first receiving the approval of the Director. <br />2. Before implementing any design change which will not <br />have a material adverse effect on air quality, the <br />permlttee desiring the change shall Inform the Director <br />of the design change and shall submit Information <br />demonstrating that the design change does not have a <br />material adverse effect on mobile source activity. If <br />the Director determines that the design change will <br />have a material adverse effect on air quality by <br />altering mobile source activity, the permlttee desiring <br />the change must follow the procedure of Part III.D.1., <br />Design Changes. <br />E. Sale to New Developer and/or Builder. The first permlttee <br />shall notify the Director In writing five days In advance of <br />a sale of all or any portion of the project to another <br />developer and/or builder or of any other act which makes <br />another party the developer and/or builder of the project. <br />F. Noise. To control noise at the project, the second <br />permlttee shall require that all developers and builders, as <br />a condition of all grading and/or building permits for any <br />portion of the project, for which the permlttee may <br />authorize construction, comply with the conditions below. <br />If the first permlttee Is the developer and/or builder, the <br />first permlttee shall either perform the Items set forth <br />below or require all subsequent developers and their <br />builders as a condition of any lease, sale, development <br />agreement to comply with the conditions below. <br />1. ensure that all engines and englne-driven equipment <br />used In construction and/or maintenance of the project <br />are fitted with adequate mufflers that are properly <br />maintained and in constant operation; <br />2. comply with any additional requirements of local <br />ordinances governing noise restrictions; <br />3. comply with any additional requirements of Minn. Rules <br />Parts 7010.0010 to 7010.0080; <br />G. Fugitive Emissions. To control fugitive emissions on the <br />project, the second permlttee shall require that all <br />developers and builders. as a condition of all building <br />and/or grading permits for any portion of the project, for <br />which the permlttee may authorize construction, comply with <br />the conditions below. If the first permlttee Is the <br />developer and/or builder, the first permlttee shall elthAr <br />perform the Items yet forth below or require all subsequent <br />