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conduct surveys and Investigations, Including sampling or <br />monitoring, pertaining to the construction, modification, or <br />operation of tthfacility <br />activitycovered <br />the permht permit or <br />pertaining toe <br />J. If the permittees discover, thatunoncompmeance withuaing <br />notification by the Agency, <br />condition of the permit ha�oom�nimize the adverserred, the elmpactsshall <br />on <br />take all reasonable steps <br />human health, public drinking water supplies, or the <br />environment resulting from noncompliance. <br />K. If the permittees discover that noncompliance with a <br />condition of the permit has occurred which could endanger <br />human health, public drinking water supplies, or the <br />environment, the permimtiesnc®hall, <br />within <br />2lfyhours <br />of the <br />discovery of the nonco p <br />the <br />Commissioner. Within edays <br />shailthe <br />submitdiscovery <br />the f the <br />noncompliance, the prmittees <br />Commissioner a written description of the noncompliance; the <br />c%,use of the noncompliance; the exact dates of the period of <br />the noncompliance; If the noncompliance has not been <br />corrected, the aoricipated time <br />reduce9 elpminatetoandcontinue; <br />prevent <br />and steps taken planned to <br />reoccurrence of the noncompliance. <br />L. The permlttaes shall report noncompliance with the permit <br />not reported under Part IV.K, General Conditions, as a part <br />of the next report which the permlttaes are required to <br />submit under this permit. If no reports are required within <br />30 days of the discovery of the noncompliance, <br />the <br />permlttaes shall subW�thlnthe <br />30r'daysaotothelisted <br />discoveryPart <br />ot the <br />General Conditions. <br />noncompliance. <br />M. The permittees shall give advance notice to the Commissioner <br />as soon as possible of planned physical alterations or <br />additions to the permitted facility or activity that may <br />result In noncompliance with a Minnesota or feueral <br />pollution control statute or rule or a condition of the <br />permit. <br />N. The permit Is not transferable to any person without the <br />express written approval of the Agency after compliance with <br />the requlremenofhasMinn. <br />beenuIO transfer0ed0shabsup. <br />comply wethon <br />to whom the permit <br />the conditions of the permit. <br />0. The permit authorizes the permittees to perform the <br />activities described In the pe�m�t,uthersia�ecandltions Agoncy f <br />the permit. In Issuing p <br />assume no responsibility for damage to persons, property, or <br />the environment causedbythe <br />ncactivities <br />thosafactthe <br />vptlesttees <br />in conduct of Its actions, <br />