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authorized, directed, or undertaken under the permit. To <br />the extent the state or Agency may be liable for the <br />activities of Its employees, that liability is explicitly <br />limited to that provided in the Tort Claims Act, Minnesota <br />Statutes, section 3.736. <br />P. Approval to construct or modify shall become invalid if <br />construction or modification of the Indirect source Is not <br />commenced within 24 months after receipt of the approval. <br />The Agency may extend this time period upon a satisfactory <br />showing that an extension Is Justified. The permittees may <br />apply for an extension at the time of Initial appiica'lon or <br />at any other time thereafter. <br />Dated: <br />1sp300:5 <br />J. Michael Valentine <br />Director <br />Division of Air Quality <br />-10- <br />