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FREDERICK BENTZ / MILO THOMPSON / ROBERT RIETOW INC <br />MEMORANDUM <br />September 15, 1989 <br />Page 2 <br />PROJECT INTRODUCTION: (Continued) <br />Ron requested that the City contact him directly on issues requiring a <br />response from OHDSC. The City should also feel free to contact BTR <br />directly for site and building related issues. <br />BUILDING DESIGN: <br />Dave presented a rendered drawing that focused on a typical building entry. <br />Also presented were the West and south building elevations. Presently, the <br />anticipated building elevation will have a two foot high granite base with <br />an exterior insu['ation finish system similar to "STO" or "DrVVit" above. <br />Building massing will be articulattad by using 3" high horizontal <br />rustication joints. Building entries will be identified by setting back <br />the entrance wall from the building wall and by stepping up this building <br />facade in a ziggurat fashion over the entry area. Entries on the south and <br />west facades will alto have bridge connections from the parking decks. <br />The second flour entries at those locations. as well as the at grade entrance <br />on the north facade, will be further iduntified by utilizing canopied pavilions. <br />Coloration of the building +till be in the tan/neutral range. Ron stated <br />That the now Dayton's viIl be harmonious with the new parking decks. <br />S I TE DES I Gil t <br />A double row of dociduous trees will be planted In the sidewalk along the <br />southern half of the wort facado. In MIS area the sidewalk will be 35 <br />foot wide. Troo grates and colored pro -cast concrete pavers wiII also be used <br />to dolino this area. <br />A f lag polo w i I i D4,I e r at this tjorlh.,woet bu i I d i ng corner on they upper <br />IeveI. <br />CITY tOWCNTSt <br />kjowar d t+cxgge a t d t aect t Uay-only; o,n ; der bu i l a i naj trio portion of lower level <br />11100f, ar oa betwoon tho two ex i " tunnel s s i roc i appe oars : to be economically <br />feasiVMe. Ind4fitipn, thi ; �p1�i idi►�g squ€�ro fctaie would not rea°luire <br />additionst parking. Dayton's will roviow and consider 'this option. <br />The City ie intoros'rod in how a'hdLi truck deck wi I I bo screenou and host the <br />trash compactor / ConTa i near w i I I be hand I od. Dayton's pointed out that <br />16 loot h i gh scroon wa l l will bo prov i dod along The Southwest edge of the <br />loading reap. The trash compactor wi l l be located within the truck dock. <br />However. dust to ttlo 5 + zu and l oad i ng i I ood i ng oporat i on required f ,ar the <br />conteinor, it will need to rt)main on The a xterlor. Both the City and Dayton's <br />agreed thdT It will be virtually impossiblo to screen that entire truck dock, <br />ospoc i a I I y from the second flour br i iage to 'the parking (Jack. <br />