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I <br />PROPOSED DESCRIPTION FOR DRIVEWAY EASEMENT <br />A 28.00 foot strip over and across that part of the following described <br />property: <br />Lot 1, Block 2, Rosedale Center First Addition, except that <br />part of said lot lying Westerly of a line drawn parallel with <br />and 535.64 feet Easterly of, as measured at right angles to, <br />the most Westerly line of said Lot 1 and lying Southerly of a <br />line drawn parallel with and 306.00 feet Northerly of, as <br />measured at right tingles to, that portion of th,-- Southerly <br />line of said Lot I which has a bearing of South %'j degrees 0#0 <br />minutes 27 seconds Eat;t and a distance of 668.i2 feet on the <br />recorded plot )f s;%id Rosedale Center First Addition, Ramsay <br />County, Minnes-ota. <br />which lies 14.00 jotat on cacti side of a conterlinc- de*,,cribcd as <br />commencing at tho, ma-,-t nouthkrly southwest corner of said tot 1: thence <br />South 89 dograea 40 MinUtOg *27 f-OCOndS Fdf-t, aSUUM10416 bearing, along said <br />southerly line of Lot 1, ka distance. of F549.421 foot to tAo point, of <br />beginning of th<,- cont'lorlinii� to b-,' &Tncribcd: th(inco On '% of <br />Iforth a dintancir,- of 24).01 reot to rA point herc If ter re-11grVC-d to an <br />"Point All: thelice continuint; on a hearinq ref North a dif-41ZIII-anco 0.0 23.00 <br />toqt anti a4ik! contorlino <br />Toqtther With A !0 - 0 0 VNs. Vil) 049#O. AtId AcrO t I,V. 4 ti r,-., t <br />.shove do-crib,od iog 2S.00 lf�44-u On 'onch Y-,�d4 of .5 <br />!D i ral in A": lltirth 54 <br />c@ntorlino- d-oncrib--ttl # b'*qIn:ltf%q ak. lid <br />doqreog 30 "inqte,!,w 00 t!O-tTklty-da 1 4 fG, iq t ho�g tir- <br />South 99 de-t)roov40 -Mifir4t4o t <br />o <br />. p <br />a point hd�, r t -1 iui *.S Fn r t u- <br />40 0 �J, <br />ct-fol- fir` I illy the r'E� te, I t VII. -I i. tj <br />Toleaht7l, With A )0.00 " - -Z 1, <br />1`5' Ic" 0, <br />;4� k- ya <br />Ir <br />�At 'k"d a:t <br />It <br />4, 14 <br />A G 4 Oki <br />cZ <br />�C) �j r�� <br />cefltktrl ift-- (d 0 r i Ij �q of <br /># I <br />Yi T. <br />c n <br />�A,, -i 111'q- <br />A <br />ryry Ito <br />it tx r n <br />Tho ne�o 0- t tA.1 41 J zit, <br />r i 1) r e o <br />lie- <br />r r o v, fj-el tj g, ,Ihty"07 0,1144tj <br />t 0 <br />W Mt 4g <br />I tX.1 .'-t Q :.'0 <br />h I Ir t t <br />4r., <br />ts t r <br />