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Together with a strip over <br />89and <br />according the <br />t the south <br />recordedfeet <br />plat thereof, <br />Block 1, WELSH CROSSROADS , <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota; together with that part of said Lot 1, Block <br />1, WELSH CROSSROADS 89 which lies a northerly <br />concaveotosaid <br />tt e northwest 0feet having oa <br />Lot 1 and southeasterly of curve <br />radius of 75.00 feet. Said curve is tangent to the north line of said <br />south 35.00 feet of Lot 1 and passes through a point on the east line of <br />said Lot 1 distant 74.00 feet northerly of the southeast corner of said <br />Lot 1, as measured along said east line of Lot 1. <br />