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ROSEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />Dahlgren testified <br />which is best left <br />is privately owned <br />the City probably <br />area but that it <br />jurisdiction. <br />Wednesday, January 4, 1989 <br />Page# 8 <br />that much of the land there is a low wet area <br />in its natural state. Dahigre Keeled addedat it <br />that <br />and probably not developable <br />did not have a drainage easement in the low <br />would be under the Army Corps of Engineers <br />Berry pointed out that the open <br />area in that the lot split would <br />his concern about the potential <br />flow in the area. <br />Keel pointed <br />that a swale <br />building. <br />space in the area enhances the <br />be compatible. Goedeke stated <br />for impeding natural drainage <br />out that the land slopes up to County Road B and <br />could be provided to divert drainage around the new <br />DeBenedet moved, Maschka seconded to recommend approval of the <br />lot division with the condition that before a building permit is <br />issued that drainage plans be reviewed and approved by the <br />Engineering Division to insure that natural drainage flow is not <br />impeded. <br />Roll Call: Ayes: Maschka, Moeller, DeBenedet, Berry, <br />Goedeke, Stokes, Johnson <br />Nays: None. <br />Planning File 1916 <br />I-1 to <br />Rosedale Marketplace Associates request for rezoning from r siteB-4, planned unit development and special use permit f <br />approval at 2401 Fairview. <br />Presentation <br />Dahlgren summarized the location and the proposed shopping center <br />development. Dahlgren highlighted the zoning oand <br />Roseclalehensie <br />changes plan issues and the proposed <br />potentially affect the access to the site in question. <br />George Bestrom from Center Companies, discussed the access <br />changes to Fairview Avenue being considered <br />sompantlbe <br />es <br />and pointed out that changes are being considered but can <br />guaranteed at this point. <br />Dahlgren informed the Commission that the proposed access <br />location at the southeast corner of the site is based on the best <br />solution because it would line up with the access location being <br />considered by Rosedale. Dahlgren highlighted ths dedication <br />