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PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 9-17.04 <br />dedication or reservation of such other areas or sites of a <br />character, extent and location suitable to the needs created by such <br />development for schools, parks and other neighborhood purposes. <br />Subdivision 7. Park band Dedication. <br />a. As a condition to approval of any subdivision of land of four <br />(4) acres or more in area zoned for one or more of the following use <br />districts, the owner shall dedicate a portion of the gross area of <br />such land for public park, playground, open space, trail system or <br />other public recreational purposes according to the following <br />schedule: <br />1. Eight (8) percent for land zoned R-1 One Family Residential <br />District; <br />2.. Nine (9) percent for land zoned R-2 Two Family Residential <br />District; <br />3. Ten (10) percent for land zoned R-3 Multiple Residential <br />District; <br />4. Ten (10) percent for land zoned B Business District; and <br />5. Prorated percentage according to clauses (1) through (4 ) <br />above for land zoned Planned Unit Development, District. <br />b. ..".$ land tc be dedicated for public purposes under paragraph (a) <br />2na:1 be rea.scnab y adaptable to the use intended, shall be at a <br />location convenient to people to be served thereby, and shall not be <br />used in computing compliance with open space or density requirezents <br />under the :on ;ng Ordinance. <br />c. The area of land required to be dedicated for said purposes shall <br />be reduced by not more than one-half by the arei. of land is the <br />subdivision which by restrictive covenant or othcr instrument on <br />terms satisfactory to the City will be available as a common area <br />for use by owners or occupants of 3txb lard. <br />d. At the option of the City and ,in lieu of such dedication, the <br />owner shall pay to the City for such purposes a cash payment equal, <br />to the fair market value of the land wbicb would otherwise be <br />required to be dedicaa 4ed under this s*otion. if a d13pute arises <br />concerning too mount of cash payment„ the amount shall be finally <br />determtned by an appraiser selected by the owner from a list of <br />three (3) appraisers rs supplied by the City. All payaaents reosived by <br />the City pursuant to this. section shall be placed in a special Rand <br />to be used only for the purposes for which the money wa,s obtained. <br />00 FALCON HEIGHTS <br />077 W !-,aqvilleut • I�Jk ml 1�ti! i : <br />Jitti Wlosner Pho; <br />City Adminvitnittv W.A. 1AY'Al <br />135 <br />