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INFORMATION SERVICE <br />League of Minnesota Cities <br />480 Cedar Street <br />St. Paul, MN 55101 <br />ORDINANCE NO.1961-NO.970 <br />CITY OF ANOKA , <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 31 OF THE CODE OF THE <br />CITY OF ANOKA <br />THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />ANOKA ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. Section 31-19 of the Code <br />of the City 'of Anoka is amended to <br />read: <br />(a) In every plat, replat, or sub- <br />division of land allowing development <br />for residential, commercial, industrial <br />or other uses or combination thereof, or <br />where a waiver of platting is granted <br />(but excluding simple lot line ad- <br />justments which do not create ad- <br />ditional lots), a reasonable portion of <br />such land be set aside acid dedicated by <br />the owner or owners to the general <br />;public as open apace for parks, <br />playgrounds, trails, public open space, <br />or storm water holding areas or ponds. <br />It is hereby found and declared that, as <br />a general rule, it is reasonable <br />require dedication of an amount of land <br />equal in value to that percentage of <br />undeveloped land set forth in Section 31- <br />19 (b). Said land shall be suitable for <br />public use as parka and playgrounds <br />for one of the aforedescribed p <br />i and the City shall not be required l <br />accept land which will not be useabl <br />for parks and playgrounds or •which <br />woAn tulldd'r"equire extensive expendit <br />+ usoabl . This dedic"6n�shallcbc <br />addition to the property dedicated fo <br />streets, pileys, or other public ways. <br />(b) ikdicationformula: <br />(1) Residential <br />Percentage t <br />Proposed Dtwity (Uniu ,/Acre) be <br />Dedicated <br />0.5 ..............................1 <br />6-10 ........................I....11 <br />11.15........... ................12 <br />16plus.................. .... ..13 <br />(2) Commercial„Industrial and <br />Other Subdivisions . ............ 51 <br />(c) in establishing a reasorAbl <br />portion to be dedicated, the City mry <br />give, ,credit, for' vper► apace:, park <br />recreational :or icommon areas a <br />facilities reserved for the subdivklan. <br />(d) Conformahce with Com <br />prehensive Plan , <br />Land dedicated under this provisi <br />shall reasonably conform to the City <br />" Comprehensive Plan. The Plannl <br />Commission and Park Board sha <br />review proposed dedication of land <br />proposed paymeof cash in lieu <br />purposes <br />them <br />nt <br />�ML_106_classification No. <br />Municipality _nr,\n c"1 <br />Date LAa - �T <br />Subject <br />e <br />0� <br />6 <br />land and shall recommena onu� <br />to e k. <br />Council appropriate action.. If the <br />Comprehensive Plan of the parcel of <br />land to be divided shows • public <br />property in excess of that required in <br />Section (b) the City Planning Com- <br />mission, Park Board and City Council <br />shall, before they approve or disap-• <br />prove the plat, consider the Com- <br />prehensive Plan and determine <br />whether to take the necessary steps to <br />acquire,'by purchase or condemnation, <br />• all or part of the public property as <br />shown on the Comprehensive Plan. <br />(e) The City -shall have the option to <br />require cash contributions in lieu of <br />accepting dedication of land or the City <br />may require a combination of land <br />dedication and cash payment. <br />(f) Cash Payments in Special Fund <br />Contributions of cash payments in <br />lieu of land dedication shall be placed in <br />a special fund which shall be held and <br />used by the City to acquire land for, or <br />to improve, parks, playgrounds, trails, <br />►o public open apace, or storm water <br />holding areas or ponds. <br />the (g) The land dedication and/ or the <br />cash in lieu of land dedication shall be <br />based on the estimate of actual fair <br />or market value, as calculated by the City <br />Assessor, of the property as of the date <br />of the approval of the final plat, reptat, <br />subdivision or waiver of platting. The <br />estimate of fair market value ahalJ <br />urera include value added to the property by <br />utilities, ►•streets, and other public <br />to lniprovdmehts' 'se"9' the land, but <br />r shall exclude value added by other <br />improvements to the land. <br />(h) Timing of Dedication and/ or <br />Payment of Cash Contribution. r* <br />o requirements of this Section shall apply <br />at the time of the final approval of the <br />plat, replat, subdivision or waiver 61 <br />, platting And shall apply to any plat, <br />replat, subdivision or waiver of platting <br />6 receiving final approval after the ef- <br />16 fective date of the ordinance. <br />SECTION i. IMis ordinance shall be <br />effective 3o days after passage and <br />a publication. �.°•• <br />•3 Imtruduc�ed:'July 30,1961 ! ; <br />' Adopted: August 3,1981 <br />rxi . Publbhed: August 7,1981 i _ <br />Eff6edve: September 4,1981 ,;• <br />- Richard F. Blomquist , <br />-MAYOR <br />a Jerry Dulgar <br />'a CITY MANAGER <br />ng abcdefghljklmnopgrstuvwxyz <br />Il •Published hi Anoka Co..Union : s <br />o <br />r * Aug. 7,1981 <br />