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/1� <br />64-7 : SMRM WATER MANAGEMENT: <br />(A) Ponding Areas and Wetlands: Whenever possible storm water must be <br />stored and managed within the limits of the development. All ponding <br />areas and wetlands must be considered and evaluated for inclusion in <br />the Storm Water Management Guide Plan. The Prior Lake Storm Water <br />Management Guide Plan shall serve as a guide in the preparation of all <br />storm water management plans. <br />6-6-8: PARK DEDICATION: <br />(A) The owners of any land being subdivided for residentialr camwrshalr <br />industrial or other uses or as a Planned Unit Development <br />dedicate a reasonable portion of land to the public for public use as <br />parks, playgrounds trails or public open space. The City has determined <br />the land dedication requirement to be equivalent to ten percent ( ) <br />of the gross area of a subdivision. (Ord. 88-01) The canposition of <br />land required will be determined in accordance with the formula found <br />in Section 6-6-8 (E), or as determined by the City to be in the public <br />interest and reasonably necessary for such uses and needs as a result <br />of <br />approval of the subdivision. <br />(P) At the City's option, the subdivider shall contribute an equivalent <br />amount in cash, or cash and land, in lieu of all or'a portion of the <br />land which the City may require such owner to dedicate pursuant to <br />paragraph (A) above. The cash amount shall be based on the fair market <br />value of the land reasonably required to be dedicated#, with said value <br />being determined no later than at the time of final plat approval. <br />(C) Whenever the term "dedicate" is used in this section, it shall mean a <br />dedication to the City of land or cash, or both#, whichever the City, at <br />its option, shall require. The dedication shall be made prior to the <br />City's release of the final plat for filing. <br />(D) In instances where cash is required in lieu of land, payments as <br />required by this Ordinance shall be made prior to the City Manager <br />releasing the final plat to the subdivider. <br />(E) The City may determine the location, configuration and value of the <br />land to be dedicated. The camposition (Ord. 88-01) of land to be <br />dedicated will be directly related to its physiographical character and <br />in accordance with the following values: <br />LAND CHARACTER==Q VALUE <br />t•. Dry upland tt' <br />0 t ,,Unstable 1 <br />u tMarshes <br />(F) Where the owner provides in the subdivision for the public use <br />neighborhood park amenities such as, but not limited to, tennis courts, <br />ball fieldsr open space or other recreational facilities, the City may <br />reduce the amount of land to be dedicated or the cash contribution in <br />lieu of such dedication by an amount equivalent to the cost of the <br />facilities provided. <br />22 <br />