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development project. They include but are not limited to <br />general and specific plan adoptions or amendments, zong, <br />use permit, variance, subdivision, building permit <br />approvals, and execution of s roper y development fees can mrange <br />The examples of dedication payment drainage, <br />from the standard ones such as streets, sewers, <br />parks, offsite improvements to the payment of fees for the <br />building of child day care centers in commercial <br />developments, for public art, for the financing of a <br />municipal railway system, providingfor <br />(substations a d arate <br />fire <br />income housing, library sites, police <br />stations. <br />In J.W. Jones Co. v.. City of San Die o, 157 Cal. <br />App. 3d 745 (1984), the court ruled t San benefits ° could use <br />assessment <br />its police power to impose facilities <br />("FBA") on developers " in order in the <br />ry generut its al plan"gaferal <br />the <br />development scheme as sketched i g al <br />City. An FBA would require the installation of a broad <br />spectrum of public improvements by the <br />developer <br />such normally <br />public <br />the past financed by general city revenues <br />libraries and fire stations. <br />B. The General plan. <br />The city under the umbrella of its police power can <br />look to its zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and use <br />permit provision for many of the citard types of <br />ies on the <br />dedications. However, now more are <br />general plan or applicable <br />�ince� icplan isthe support <br />dedication requirements. the general <br />constitution for development, as *atop f the hierarchy of <br />interpreted by the <br />courts <br />in California and since it i <br />local government law regulating land usee" Neighborhood <br />u V. Count of Calaveras, 156 Cal. 1� pe 3d 1179 <br />Action Group ,„r,_ - <br />(19 de cation Trements can flow from these goals <br />and policies contained in such plans. J. W. Jones Co. V. <br />Cit of �tet ie go,� sutra. Since all land use approvalmust <br />onsisnt�-eh the -goads, policies and objectives of the <br />general plan, conditions can be attached to achieve these <br />goals. <br />In 5oderlial v. city ofSanta Monica, 142 Cal. <br />App. 3d 501 19�3) t� court, in ►o the city's <br />requirement that smoke detectors be installed in all units <br />in a condominium conversion without any specific ordinance <br />or regulation on its books relied <br />safenhousi 9objectives <br />all:�f the <br />The <br />city's general plan "to promote <br />court said such a condition was valid to achieve the goals <br />of the city,"s general plan and the power to impose the some <br />especially in the subdivision field nce need <br />not be or promulgationeofba <br />the specific enactment of an ordinance F <br />regulation. <br />_25_ <br />