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density shown on the adopted general plan or contains 100 <br />acres or more, and (2) the governing body finds that transit <br />services are or will be made available to the subdivision. <br />f. Fees for drainage and sanitary sewer <br />facilities §( 66483). <br />This section details the requirements for payment <br />of fees to defray actual or estimated costs of constructing <br />planned drainage facilities and planned sanitary sewer <br />facilities for local or neighborhood areas. The local <br />ordinance requirement must meet certain criteria. The fees <br />shall be paid into a "planned local drainage facilities fund <br />and a planned local sanitary sewer fund." The fees that are <br />required must be fairly apportioned within the areas either <br />on the basis of benefits conferred or on the need for the <br />facilities created by the proposed subdivider. Disposition <br />of surplus money is covered by Sections 66483.1--66483.2. <br />In interpreting this section, the Attorney General <br />has stated that a city must comply with its requirements <br />when enacting a drainage fee ordinance under its police <br />powers regulating a division of land but if it desires to <br />use some other police power authority or taxation power, it <br />need not follow the requirements of Section 66483. <br />Also, the Attorney General, in the same opinion, <br />has stated in calculating the maximum possible drainage fee <br />under this section, the total acreage in the drainage area <br />is to be the basis of tre calculation. 66 Ceps. Cal. Atty. <br />Gen. 120 (1983) . <br />g. Feet for bridges and major thoroughfares <br />15 66484) . <br />Under this section, a local ordinance may require <br />the payment of a fee' as a condition of approval or as a <br />condition of issuing a building permit for purposes of <br />defraying the actual or estimated costs of constructing <br />bridges over waterways, railways, freeways, and canyons, or <br />constructing major thoroughfares. Again, the ordinance must <br />meet certain criteria. The section reads as an assessment <br />district procedure and provides for majority protest. <br />h. Ground water recharge (S 66484.51. <br />This section allows the city to adopt an ordinance <br />requiring the payment of a fee or other consideration as a <br />condition to approval of a final map, parcel map, or the <br />issuance of a building perr it to defray the cost of <br />constructing planned recharge facilities for the replacement <br />of surface waters into underground aquifers if specified <br />conditions are satisfied. <br />-18- <br />