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i„ Supplemental improvements - reimbursement <br />agreements (§ 66485-66489�. <br />This law allows imposition by local ordinance of a <br />requirement thatimprovements be installed by the subdivider <br />for the subdivision's benefit that contain supplemental <br />size, capacity, number, or length for the benefit of <br />property not within the subdivision. <br />supplemental <br />necessary may include minimum -sized offsite sewer ines <br />reach a sewer outlet in existence at that e. I with istis <br />done, the city shall enter into an agreement <br />he <br />subdivider for reimbursement of the difference in cost. <br />j, Public access to public resources <br />566478.1 et seq. <br />These sections require a city, before approving a <br />map, to require that there will be public oaccess <br />ashrough the <br />nav9gable <br />subdivisions to public natural resources <br />waters® public waterways, rivers, streaofsttheoalistnest <br />of <br />shorelines, lakes, and resew <br />navigable waters and public-107waterways, <br />THarbor <br />his la isself� <br />Navigation Code Sections 100 <br />implementing and mandatory if the statutory requirements are <br />met; no local ordinance is required. <br />In interpreting these sections the <br />ofpaellate court <br />subdivision <br />recently held that this law requires owners <br />along a river not only to provide reasonablepiece of theaccessrivateothe <br />land <br />ocate <br />for public use. <br />riverbanks, but also to The courtlstruckadown an alternative access <br />plan accepted by the City "because it only provides access <br />to an a"sement along the wrong part of the riverbank** Kern <br />River Public River Access Committee v_ Cif of Rakersfir <br />Cal. App :� ,�_.. _ ( Aug . �, 1�► <br />k. Ded%ication of solar access easements <br />( 66475.33L. <br />This section gives a city the authority to require, <br />as a condition of approval of a tentative map, dedication of <br />solar access easements. However, an ordinance must be <br />adopted to this effect that following the criteria set forth <br />in the section. <br />1. offsite im rovcments (5 66462.4} . <br />This section states that a city cannot postpone or <br />refuse approval of a final map if offsite improvements <br />r vemntor <br />not owned by the subdivider are not constructed <br />installed. The city must ac': to acquire uire the land <br />condi ion l20 <br />ie <br />days or condemn. If the city <br />-19- <br />