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waived. Prior to final map approval, the city may require <br />an agreement from the subdivider to complete the improve- <br />ments when the city acquires the land. <br />The legality of a city consenting to private <br />condemnation of sewer and storm drainage easements which <br />were imposed as a condition of tentative map approval was <br />upheld in L & M_ Professional Consultants v. Ferreira, 146 <br />Cal. App. Rd1038 (1983) . <br />M. Standards and criteria for public <br />improvements: residential subdivisions <br />(S 65913.2) . <br />This section prohibits a city from imposing <br />standards and criteria for public improvements pursuant to <br />the Map Act which are required to be constructed by <br />developers which exceed the standards and criteria that are <br />being applied by the city at that time to its publicly <br />financed improvements located in similarly zoned districts <br />within that city. in other words, this section would say <br />that whatever standards the city would have used if it were <br />constructing the same improvements with public funds it <br />cannot require more stringent standards and criteria if the <br />public improvements are being installed by the developer <br />pursuant to the Map Act. <br />SUMMARY <br />As a normal rule, in order to impose any of the <br />above requirements, the City must have adopted an enabling <br />ordinance following the criteria set forth in the Map Act <br />with the exception of the requirements contained in <br />subparagraph "j", Public Access to Public Resources. <br />2. Conditions that can be impo-ned through the <br />CEQA process. <br />The California Environmental Quality ,Act of 1970 <br />(CEQA" does have a peculiar impact upon the application of <br />Section 66474(e) which states, in part, that a city shall <br />deny a subdivision if it finds that the design of the <br />subdivision or the proposed improvements are likely to cause <br />substantial environmental damage or substantially injure <br />fish or wildlife or their habitat. An environmental impact <br />report (EIR), which comments upon the amount of substantial <br />environmental damage or injury to fish or wildlife caused by <br />the subdivision, could constitute a finding on those matters <br />which would necessitate the denial or approval of the <br />subdivision map. CEQA requires that an BIR be prepared by <br />any governmental agency before it approved a private project <br />- / 0 - <br />