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ve <br />Chris Seigle <br />October 27, 1988 <br />Page 4 <br />These two intersections currently have adequate traffic capacity and the pro- <br />ject's impact on each will be minimal. <br />The unsignalized intersections of Lexington Avenue with Grandview Avenue and the <br />project access driveway were analyzed under the assumption that traffic signals <br />would be undesirable at either of these intersections. <br />Each is too close to an <br />existing adjacent signal to operate effectively if signals were installed. <br />Therefore, the analysis of traffic operations was concentrated on the maximum <br />allowable traffic that would be desirable under an unsignalized condition. In <br />such cases, the left turn onto the major street is the critical movement at an <br />unsignalized intersection. Based on standard warrants for traffic signals, it <br />is considered desirable to have less than 150 peak hour left turns per hour onto <br />a major through street such as Lexington Avenue. The following table summarizes <br />the project's traffic impact in consideration of this analysis: <br />Intersection <br />Lexington/Grandview <br />Lexington/Project Access <br />Number of Side Street Left Turns (veh/hour) <br />Existing Plus Maximum <br />Existing Project _ Desired <br />10 (163 1150 <br />45 <br />100 150 <br />Given the analysis presented above, no major improvements are needed at these <br />two intersections. However, it is recommended that two full lanes (i.e., a <br />right turn lane and a left turn lane) be provided at the project's exit to <br />Lexington Avenue. This would require some additional roadway width beyond that <br />shown on the project site plan. It should be noted that existing traffic which <br />uses the roadway which will become the project driveway to Lexington Avenue con- <br />sists mainly of traffic to and from an existing day-care center. <br />In addition to PM peak hour traffic: conditions described above, outbound project <br />traffic is also expected to peak in the period from 2 PM to 3 PM, corresponding <br />to the end of the school day. During this period, mor- I-raffic would be <br />expec�ed to be generated by the school than during the PM peak hour, but the <br />impact would be less since traffic on Lexington Avenue is lower during this time <br />period. <br />This analysis has been conducted assuming a student population of 300 at the <br />school. It is expected that some expansion is possible beyond 300 students. <br />Given the analysis described above, an expansion <br />in the of the range <br />of 50 to 100 stu- <br />dents would not significantly change theresults <br />