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Gordon Beseth <br />Page 2 <br />5. Mr. Rekuski sent me a short letter dated April 4, 1988 <br />explaining what happened, and that he would be present at a <br />meeting set up for April 13, 1988. <br />s. <br />6. This meeting was held on April 13, 1988 with the city planning` <br />staff. Those present were Howard Dahlgren, Rick Jopke, Gordon <br />Beseth, Frank Rekuski and Vaughn Larson. <br />All items were presented, discussed, and solutions arrived at. It' <br />was agreed by all that a new minor variance would be processed <br />regarding the 3 foot set back previously approved for that garage, <br />and this revised site plan would be reprocessed as a shoreline <br />development application. Mr. Larson noted that he did not object to the development as now proposed. Everyone was in agreement and Mr. <br />Rekuski was told to proceed with the revised variance and shoreline <br />application. <br />Mr. Rekuski was contacted on several occasions by myself to review <br />the progress of completing the revised shoreline application. Mr. <br />Rekuski was informed of the importance of this minor variance and <br />shoreline procedure, and he informed me that Mr. Larson was <br />becoming increasingly reluctant and hostile at times and would not <br />sign the minor variance request. <br />Around the first or second week of June, 1988 Mr. Rekuski delivered <br />a copy of the minor variance and a check to the City of Roseville <br />and told me Mr. Larson would not sign the variance request. <br />I told Mr. Rekuski that if Mr. Larson would not sign for the minor <br />variance, a regular variance procedure process was the only <br />alternative. <br />Mr. Rekuski continued to try to reach an agreement with Mr. Larson <br />and around the second week of July, 1988 it became evident to all <br />parties that Mr. Larson would not sign for a minor variance. <br />I told Mr. Rekuski that he must resolve this issue either by filing <br />for a regular variance, or by compliance with the original variance <br />and shoreline application. <br />A regular variance was applied for and filed with Mr. Richard Jopke <br />on August 30, 1988. <br />On October 6, 1988 a "red tag" was issued to inform Mr. Rekuski that <br />any future construction would be stopped and the building should not <br />be occupied until the variance procedure completed. <br />